/KASE, June 24, 2022/ – Kcell JSC (Almaty), whose shares are officially listed
on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), has provided KASE with the following press
release dated June 24, 2022:
Kcell Joint-Stock Company (hereinafter referred to as "Kcell" or the "Company")
(KASE: KCEL), one of the leading mobile operators in the telecommunications
market of Kazakhstan, informs its shareholders and investors that on June 23,
2022, the Board of Directors of the Company made the following decisions:
1. To elect Kirill Strashenko to the position of Chief Technical Officer, member
of the Management Board of Kcell JSC. Determine the term of office from June
23, 2022 through May 11, 2023;
2. To elect Daniyar Ibraev to the position of Chief Security Officer,
member of the Management Board of Kcell JSC. Determine the term of office
from June 23, 2022 through May 11, 2023.
The changed composition of the Management Board of Kcell JSC:
1. Askhat Uzbekov – Chairman of the Management Board, Chief Executive Officer;
2. Yury Kharlamov – Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Chief Operating Officer;
3. Mariya Averchenko – member of the Management Board, Chief Commercial Officer;
4. Dina Nurpeissova – member of the Management Board, Chief Financial Officer;
5. Azamat Uyssumbayev – member of the Management Board, Chief Director for
Corporate Affairs;
6. Kirill Strashenko – member of the Management Board, Chief Technical
7. Daniyar Ibraev – member of the Management Board, Chief Security Officer.
The complete press release is available on KASE website –