/KASE, June 1, 2021, May 27, 2021 news repeat/ – According to the Methodology
for Determining Liquidity Indicators of Securities, Kazakhstan Stock
Exchange (KASE) has approved June 2021 first, second and third liquidity
class shares, depositary receipts and securities of investment funds
(hereinafter – Securities lists) listed on KASE.
These Securities lists were approved on May 24, 2021 by the decision of the
Committee on Indices and Securities Valuation as provisions from the relevant
internal documents of KASE shall apply thereto.
The list of securities of the first class of liquidity, which will be valid from
June 1 to June 30, 2021, includes securities of 30 names. Compared with the
current list of securities of the first class of liquidity, which was formed
for May 2021, the list includes:
1) preferred shares KZ0009094645 (KASE main market, category "premium",
KZTKp) of Kazakhtelecom;
2) units KZPF00000132 (sector "securities of investment funds", FHJIag) of
IUIT "allGA" managed by First Heartland Jysan Invest;
3) global depositary receipts US63253R2013 (sector "derivatives", KZAPd) with
ordinary shares KZ1C00001619 (KZAP) of NAC Kazatomprom as the
underlying asset;
4) common shares US30231G1022 (KASE main market, "standard" category,
US_XOM_) of Exxon Mobil Corporation;
5) units KZPF00000173 (sector "securities of investment funds", FHJIds) of
IUIT "doSTAR" managed by First Heartland Jysan Invest.
The following instruments were excluded from the list of the first liquidity
class, which was formed for May 2021:
1) common shares KZ000A0F4546 (KASE main market, category "standard",
ASBN) of ForteBank;
2) common shares RU000A0JKQU8 (KASE main market, category "standard",
RU_MGNT) of Magnit PJSC;
3) common shares RU0009046452 (KASE main market, category "standard",
RU_NLMK) of Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant PJSC;
4) common shares US4581401001 (KASE main market, category "standard",
US_INTC) of Intel Corporation;
5) common shares US7170811035 (KASE main market, category "standard",
US_PFE_) of Pfizer Inc.;
6) units KZPF00000124 (sector "securities of investment funds", FHJIhm) of
IUIT "harMONEY" managed by First Heartland Jysan Invest;
7) units US78468R6633 (investment funds’ securities sector, US_BIL_) SPDR
Bloomberg Barclays 1-3 Month T-Bill ETF, issued by investment trust SPDR
Series Trust;
8) common shares KZ1C00001254 (KASE alternative market, sector "shares",
June 2021 first, second and third liquidity class securities lists are published
on KASE website at
May 2021 first, second and third liquidity class securities lists 2021 are
available on KASE website at
Methodology for Determining Liquidity Indicators of Securities is available at