Data of audited financial statement of Alliance Bank OJSC (Kazakhstan) for 2002
06.06.03 00:00
/KASE, June 6, 03/ - Alliance Bank OJSC (Almaty), whose bonds are
circulating in Kazakhstan stock exchange's (KASE) official "A" listing
category, has presented KASE auditor's report of Deloitte & Touche (Almaty)
which was made on the bank's financial statement for 2002, which had been
prepared in compliance with international accounting standards.
According to the auditor's report the bank's financial and economic activity
as of December 31 of 2002 and 2001 is as follows (in th. KZT, unless
otherwise indicated):
Indicator 2001 2002
----------------------------------------------- --------- ----------
Authorized capital (issued excluding withdrawn) 1,179,130 1,945,810
Shareholders' equity 1,035,177 1,849,780
Total assets 7,997,404 21,804,430
Sum of liquid assets 1,215,603 6,063,951
Offerings and loans to banks (net) 160,488 971,394
Loans and advances to clients (net) 6,424,520 14,993,703
Liabilities, total 6,962,227 19,954,650
Indebtedness for banks 294,492 2,207,457
Indebtedness for clients 5,788,851 16,908,978
Total revenues 1,252,442 2,096,634
General expenses 1,247,942 2,082,835
Net income 4,500 13,799
It's been calculated by the auditor's data:
Return on equity (ROE), % 0.43 0.75
Return on assets (ROA), % 0.06 0.06
Audit of the bank's financial statement for 2002 was made by Deloitte &
Touche in compliance with international auditing standards. The bank's
financial statement was correspondingly corrected in order to bring it in
conformity with international accounting standards.
In the auditor's opinion, the bank's financial statements in all significant
aspects for sure reflects financial position of the bank as of December 31 of
2002, and also results of its activity and cash flow for the year, which ended
by the mentioned date, in compliance with international accounting