Tengri Bank from October 1, 2020 stripped of membership of KASE by "currency" and "stock" categories
01.10.20 12:20
/KASE, October 1, 2020/ – Following a decision of the Board of Directors of
Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), from October 1, 2020 Tengri Bank (Almaty) was
stripped of membership of KASE by "currency" and "stock" categories. It means
that Tengri Bank is no longer a member of KASE and may not trade on KASE in any
This decision was made in accordance with sub-items 3) and 4) of item 1 of
Article 13 of KASE's internal document "Regulations on Membership" on the
basis of the Resolution No. 80 of the Management Board of the Agency of the
Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market
dated September 17, 2020, in accordance with which "Tengri Bank" JSC from
September 18, 2020 was stripped of the license No. 1.2.53 / 43 to conduct
banking and other operations and activities in the securities market, issued to
the bank by the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and
Development of the Financial Market on February 3, 2020.