/KASE, September 24, 2020/ – Following a decision of the Listing Commission of
Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) from September 24, 2020 the following
securities of Tengri Bank (Almaty) were removed from KASE official list:
- ordinary shares KZ000A1CTMJ8 (KASE main market, category "standard",
- bonds KZ2C00003705 (KASE main market, category "bonds", DNBNb3).
In a conclusion of KASE dated September 22, 2020 it was noted that the ground
for considering the issue of delisting these securities is the initiation by the
Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of the
Financial Market of the procedure of forced liquidation of Tengri Bank JSC.
Based on the above-mentioned and in accordance with sub-items 4) and 8) of item 1 of
Chapter 3 of Appendix 2.2 to KASE's internal document "Listing Rules", said
securities have been delisted.
By a decision of KASE's Management Board, trades in common shares KZ000A1CTMJ8
on KASE were suspended from September 18, 2020. Trades in bonds KZ2C00003705 were
not opened on KASE.
Earlier there was a related KASE news item dated September 18, 2020 " Agency
of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Regulation and Development of the
Financial Market revokes license of Tengri Bank for banking and other
transactions" –