29.05.20 16:07
/KASE, May 29, 2020/ – As of June 2, 2020, Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) Committee on Indices and Securities Valuation by its decision of May 28, 2020 defined new parameters for shares included in the KASE Index representative list such as portions of shares in free float and restrictive coefficients. These changes were made on the basis of sub-items 2) and 3) of item 1 of Article 8 of the Methodology for Stock Market Indicators Calculation due to the change in the number of shares in free float and the number of outstanding ordinary shares KZ0007786572 (CCBN) of Bank CenterCredit. The table below shows new share parameters and those effective until May 29 that has an impact on the value of KASE Index. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To be put into effect as of June 2, 2020 Effective until June 2, 2020 --------------------- ------- ---------------- --------------------- ------- ---------------- number of outstanding free restrictive number of outstanding free restrictive Share ticker shares float coefficient (Ri) shares float coefficient (Ri) (Fi), % (Fi), % ------------ --------------------- ------- ---------------- --------------------- ------- ---------------- CCBN 180,009,899 38.4 1.0000000 165,637,911 41.7 1.0000000 GB_KZMS 480,723,977 61.3 0.0840408 480,723,977 61.3 0.0838407 HSBK 11,754,049,397 35.5 0.1298722 11,754,049,397 35.5 0.1395835 KCEL 200,000,000 25.0 0.4382571 200,000,000 25.0 0.4315708 KEGC 259,998,610 10.0 1.0000000 259,998,610 10.0 1.0000000 KZAP 259,356,608 18.7 0.2066787 259,356,608 18.7 0.1867313 KZTK 10,706,024 23.0 0.8389402 10,706,024 23.0 0.8663159 KZTO 384,628,099 10.0 1.0000000 384,628,099 10.0 1.0000000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES TO TABLE KASE Index – KASE share market index, showing change of prices of shares from the representative list for calculation of the index with account to capitalization of issuers and number of free floating shares (free float). One stock may not exceed 15 % weight in the index. KASE Index is calculated within a trading day as deals in the representing stocks are concluded. In case no deals, parameters of which are required for calculation of the KASE Index, were made in the stock during a trading day, for purposes of such calculation, results of the last resultant trading session will be used. The Methodology of index calculation is regulated by KASE internal document "Methodology of Stock Market Indicators Calculation" available at KASE website at: http://www.kase.kz/files/normative_base/indicators_met_eng.pdf The index page is available at: http://www.kase.kz/en/index_kase Ticker shows: issuer code of a security traded on KASE (first 4 symbols, which is also the code of an ordinary share); share category (if the fifth symbol is "p", preferred share); order number of the share issue (if required, it is the sixth numeric symbol). Issuers code: CCBN – Bank CenterCredit JSC; GB_KZMS – KAZAKHMYS PLC; HSBK – Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan JSC; KCEL – Kcell JSC; KEGC – Kazakhstan Electricity Grid Operating Company "KEGOC" JSC (KEGC); KZAP – National Atomic Company Kazatomprom; KZTK – Kazakhtelecom JSC; KZTO – KazTransOil JSC. Number of outstanding shares – parameter, which is determined independently by KASE on the basis of listing company share register extract data or information provided by the company as a number of outstanding shares of a listing company net of those redeemed. KASE is taking into account the number of outstanding shares, which is confirmed by documents available on KASE. Free float (Fi), % – parameter, determined by KASE as the number of shares not owned by the government, issuer management and shareholders, who own five or more percent of common shares of the issuer, except for shareholders in regard of which the Committee on Indices and Securities Valuation made a decision that such shareholders shall not be deemed as strategic (institutional investors, nominal holders, and entities performing functions of settlement service etc.). RESTRICTIVE COEFFICIENT (RI) – parameter limiting weight of influence of one stock on index value to fifteen percent. [2020-05-29]