In 2003 there will be collected KZT161 bn into the consolidated budget of Almaty
06.02.03 00:00
/Kazakhstan today, February 6, 03/ - In 2003 into consolidated budget of Almaty
there will be collected KZT161 bn. It was informed during expanded meeting of
the akimat of Almaty today, February 6. In 2002 the consolidated budget of
Almaty was KZT149 bn, that is more by 11% than forecasted.
According to the complex plan of the city's development for 2002, volume of
industrial production of Almaty increased by 11%. Due to creation of favorable
investment climate volume of investments into the main capital of enterprises
of Almaty equaled to KZT137 bn. There have been created 12 th. workplaces.
Average level of salary of townspeople increased by 19% whereas the fixed
inflation was 7.5%. In small business as of the end of 2002 there were busy 160
th. persons or 30% of economically active population of Almaty.
About KZT4 bn were spent for the city's accomplishment. 20 km of the city's
roads were fundamentally repaired, and there were built 30 km of new roads with
hard covering in the suburb of Almaty. Program of lodging building has been
fulfilled over the planned: there were set in exploitation 266 th. sq. meters
of losging, that is more by 11% than planned.
There have occurred positive changes at the financial market. Such the
instruments as long-term liabilities, city's pawn fund have been developed,
realization of the program of mortgage crediting of lodging building has been
realized. Volumes of overdue payments between enterprises have been reduced
by one thirds and they reached 1-3% of their total amount on the city.
Address social aid according to results of the year will be given to 20 th.
families. 11 th. persons more will receive dollar adjustments for public
utilities. All needy veterans of the GPW and labor have been have been taken
care by the akimat.
According to the plan of Almaty development for 2003, industrial production
volume is to equal to KZT120 bn whereas the growth is top equal to 7-8%.
Investments into the main capital will increase by 5-7%. There will be set in
operation 300 th. sq. meters of lodging. It is planned to create no less than
11 th. workplaces, including at industrial enterprises - more than 2 th.
workplaces, in the sphere of small business - more than 7.5 th. places. Volume
of gross regional product per one inhabitant of Almaty is to equal to KZT470
Within the framework of the development plan it is planned to start realization
of large investment projects on reconstruction of systems of water supply and
overflow, finish programs on reformation of the city's energy complex,
collection and removal of hard domestic waste. It is planned to spend KZT4.5 bn
for Almaty accomplishment. 3 new schools will be set in operation.
Within the framework of development program realization there will be created
conditions for foundation of agricultural ring around Almaty with attracting of
new technologies into agriculture and raw stuff processing.