Leader of Kazakhstan stock exchange's financial market in 2002 is Bank TuranAlem OJSC (results of analysis of resulting positions at KASE of its members according to results of the year)

08.01.03 00:00
/IRBIS, January 8, 03/ - Information agency of financial markets "IRBIS" (Almaty) has finished analysis of resulting positions of Kazakhstan stock exchange's (KASE) members at all exchange's floors in 2002. Leader of Kazakhstan stock exchange's financial market in 2002 is Bank TuranAlem OJSC (Almaty) -KASE's member on "В", "С", "К" and "Р" categories, stock exchange's market-maker of US dollar, Russian rouble and bonds of international financial organizations (IFO) of two issues. 20.1% of stock exchange's turnover, which was calculated by the mentioned below methods, fell to its share. The bank was most active in foreign currencies sector (14.0% of the market, first position), during transactions on GS, including repo (27.8% of the market, first position) and at futures market (almost 100% of the market). At repo market (GS and CS) the bank controlled 18.2% of the turnover and was also the most active participant. It should be noted that in 2001 at KASE, judging on resulting gross-position, Bank TuranAlem OJSC, to the share of which 19.3% of stock exchange's turnover fell, was also leading. While making the analysis all stock exchange's deals of 2002, excluding transactions on primary floatation of government (municipal) and corporate securities, were taken into account. It was concerned with the fact that during primary floatations issuers themselves act as sellers, who are not stock exchange's trade members. A total of 55 organizations, which are stock exchange's members of different categories, took part in deals making at KASE in 2002. Deals were made in the sector of trade on foreign currencies, futures currency contracts, on government securities (GS) and corporate securities (CS) market, at repo market - by open trade method (the so called auto repo) and by direct deals method. Besides, while receiving of rating IRBIS took into account trade on promissory notes and bonds of IFO. Company's place in activity rating was set in accordance with the part of deals, which had been made by it, in total gross-turnover of trades (sum of purchased and sold financial instruments). All transactions volumes were taken into account in tenge equivalent at they rates, which were in effect on the moment of transactions conducting and which were used while settlements of corresponding financial instruments. National Bank's position was taken in to account by IRBIS in market's vo0lume general, however its position in the rating was ignored because this institution, working at KASE, follows principally other purposes than other market's participants. Below is the list of ten most active KASE's members in 2002 (excluding National Bank), which controlled 65.9% of the whole stock exchange's market excluding primary floatations, in descending order of their stakes in general volume of deals. All companies' head offices are in Almaty. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resulting --------- Position in 2002 on main sectors: position Share of ------- ------- --------- --------- in: Brief market foreign CS, GS, only --------- name of in 2002, curren- includ. including CS and GS 2002 2001 KASE's member % cies repo repo repo ---- ---- ---------------------- -------- ------- ------- --------- --------- 1 1 Bank TuranAlem OJSC 20.1 1 3 1 1 2 2 AMB OJSC 11.7 10 26 2 2 3 9 PAMC ZHETISU CJSC 6.9 - 6 3 3 4 8 CHBK 5.1 - 16 4 4 5 7 Eurasian bank CJSC 4.8 7 24 5 5 6 3 HBK 4.0 2 19 10 10 7 6 Bank CenterCredit OJSC 3.6 12 13 6 6 8 5 SAPF 3.3 - - 7 7 9 4 KAZKOMMERTSBANK OJSC 3.2 6 15 9 8 10 10 TEMIRBANK OJSC 3.1 9 30 8 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abbreviations: CHBK - Company of Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan on pension assets management CJSC; HBK - Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan OJSC; SAPF - State accumulative pension fund CJSC. On the reason 74.2% of the whole stock exchange's market's turnover in 2002 has been presented by repo deals, position of participant in this sector determined position in resulting rating. Precisely on this reason most members of "the active ten" are banks. As the whole, second tier banks controlled in 2002 62.2% of the whole stock exchange's turnover. 29 banks took part in deals making. Rating of ten most active of them is given in the table below (these banks' head offices are in Almaty). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Positions Positions in 2002: in 2001: ------------------------- Brief --------------- among in total share of name of among in total banks reckoning market, % bank banks reckoning ----- --------- --------- ----------------------------- ----- --------- 1 1 20,1 Bank TuranAlem OJSC 1 1 2 2 11,7 AMB OJSC 2 2 3 5 4,8 Eurasian bank CJSC 6 7 4 6 4,0 Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan OJSC 3 3 5 7 3,6 Bank CenterCredit OJSC 5 6 6 9 3,2 KAZKOMMERTSBANK OJSC 4 4 7 10 3,09 TEMIRBANK OJSC 7 10 8 11 3,06 DB "ABN AMRO Bank Kazakhstan" 9 12 9 12 2,2 BANK CASPIAN OJSC 8 11 10 13 1,6 CITIBANK KAZAKHSTAN CJSC 10 13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Broker-dealer companies, which specialize mainly in the work on CS, controlled in 2002 only 3.3% of stock exchange's turnover. 17 companies took part in deals. Rating of ten most active of them is in the table below (companies' head offices are in Almaty, unless otherwise specified). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Positions in 2002: Positions in 2001: --------------------------- Brief ------------------ among in total share of name of among in total brokers reckoning market, % broker-dealer company brokers reckoning ------- --------- --------- --------------------------------- -------- --------- 1 17 0.79 RG Securities LLP 3 19 2 18 0.69 TuranAlem Securities LLP 1 14 3 19 0.64 Kazakhstan financial company OJSC 10 41 4 23 0.38 FUTURE CAPITAL LLP 5 27 5 28 0.24 KIB ASSET MANAGEMENT Ltd. LLP 7 33 6 29 0.17 INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT GROUP LLP 2 18 7 30 0.15 KG Securities LLP (Karaganda) - - 8 32 0.08 General Asset management LLP 12 43 9 34 0.07 Kazkommerts Securities OJSC 6 28 10 36 0.06 Tau Securities LLP - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pension market subjects (there were four of them among KASE's members in 2002) contributed more to stock exchange's turnover than broker-dealer companies. 15.9% of total volume of deals fell to their share. Rating of their activity according to results of the year is given below. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Positions Positions in 2002: in 2001: ------------------------- Brief ---------- among in total share of name of among in total PMS reckoning market, % company PMS reckoning ----- --------- --------- ----------------------------------- ----- --------- 1 3 6.9 PAMC ZHETISU CJSC 3 9 2 4 5.1 CHBK 2 8 3 8 3.3 SAPF 1 5 4 20 0.6 PAMC ABN AMRO Asset Management CJSC 5 25 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abbreviations: PMS - pension market subjects; CHBK - Company of Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan on pension assets management CJSC; SAPF - State accumulative pension fund CJSC. 18.6% of stock exchange's turnover in 2002 fell to the share of other participants, which were not included into any of the listed categories. [2003-01-08]