CNPC Aktobemunaigas OJSC has fulfilled annual plan on oil production ahead of time

25.12.02 00:00
/Kazakhstan today, December 25, 02/ - CNPC Aktobemunaigas OJSC has fulfilled annual plan on oil production ahead of time in the volume of 4 m 250 th. tons. Till the end of the year oil and gas producing company plans to produce more than 110 th. tons of oil over the plan. About this a correspondent of KZ-today was informed by the manager of the company's press-service Galiya Zhaldibayeva. According to her words, the prescheduled fulfillment of the plan was promoted by timely setting in exploitation the plant on preparation of oil and reservoir park of the new Zhanazhol gas-transferring plant. In 2003 the company intends to increase volume of round-the-clock oil production, and, due to it, increase the annual indicator up to 5.2 m tons. [2002-12-25]