Authorized capital of Kazakhstan Mortgage Company CJSC (Kazakhstan) will be increased to KZT1.5 bn

29.11.02 00:00
/KASE, November 29, 02/ - Kazakhstan Mortgage Company CJSC (Almaty), whose bonds are circulating under stock exchange's official "А" listing category, informed KASE with the official letter about the planned increasing of the company's authorized capital by KZT500.0 m till December 31 of 2002. The decision was made by the only company's shareholder - National Bank of Kazakhstan (resolution of the Board of National Bank of Kazakhstan dated November 16 of 2002 #463). Corresponding changes have been included into the company's charter. As of October 1 of 2002 announced, issued (paid) authorized capital of the company was KZT1.0 bn. Primary activities - loan operations (giving credits in monetary terms on the condition of payment, urgency and paying back), factoring operations (purchasing of rights of payment demand from purchaser of goods (works, services) with assuming the risk of non-payment). [2002-11-29]