Results of activity of Zhairemskiy OMPE OJSC (Kazakhstan) for 9 months of 2002

19.11.02 00:00
/KASE, November 19, 02/ - Zhairemskiy OMPE OJSC (Zhairem settlement, Karaganda oblast), whose bonds are circulating under stock exchange's official "A" listing category, provided KASE with financial statement for 9 months of 2002: balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement. The following indicators are results of the issuer's financial and economic activity in nine months of 2002, based upon the issuer's information (in th. KZT): --------------------------------------------------------------- As of As of Change, Indicator Oct 1, 01 Oct 1, 02 % -------------------------------- --------- --------- ------- Issued authorized capital (paid) 640,415 640,415 0.0 Shareholders' equity 2,380,709 3,523,045 +48.0 Total assets 4,858,777 6,126,935 +26.1 Net working capital -873,190 132,982 +115.2 Accounts receivable 362,136 439,710 +21.4 Liabilities, total 2,478,068 2,603,917 +5.1 Attracted credits 726,417 1,453,741 +100.1 Accounts payable 1,597,752 1,150,110 -28.0 Sales volume 4,084,175 3,477,624 -14.9 Cost of goods sold 1,671,304 1,582,312 -5.3 Net income (loss) for the period 1,052,979 853,691 -18.9 --------------------------------------------------------------- Relative to 9 months of 2002 there are following changes: - shareholders' equity increased by KZT1.1 bn as the result of increase of undistributed income by 1.3 bn, whereas there took place decrease of additionally unpaid capital by 223.1 m; - assets rose by KZT1.3 bn, including: residual; value of fixed assets - by 724.2m, expenses of future periods - by 345.8 m, long-term investments - by 119.8 m and other assets - 241.1 m, whereas there took place decrease of the volume of construction in progress by 162.7 m; - liabilities increased by KZT125.8 m that was caused by increase of attracted credits volume by 727.3 m and other liabilities by 573.4 m whereas there took place decrease of accounts payable by 1.2 bn; - sales volume decreased by KZT606.6 m; - cost of goods sold decreased by KZT89.0 m; - expenses of the period decreased by KZT140.3 m. Net income, which was received by Zhairemskiy OMPE OJSC by the results of 9 months of 2002 equaled to KZT853.7 m that is less by 199.2 m than for similar period of last year. The tale below shows dynamics of some indicators of Zhairemskiy OMPE OJSC for 9 months of 2002 by quarters by non-growing result (in th. KZT): -------------------------------------------------------------- Change, Change, Indicator I-2002 II-2002 % III-2002 % ------------ --------- ------- ------- --------- -------- Sales volume 1,079,725 978,534 -9.4 1,419,365 +45.1 Net income 221,800 24,919 -88.8 606,972 +2,335.8 -------------------------------------------------------------- The company's primary activities - geological exploration of ore and non-ore fields of mineral raw stuff with calculation of their reserves, fields development, manufacturing and sale of ore and non-ore mineral raw stuff. [2002-11-19]