KASE removed bonds KZ2C00001766 (LARIb2) and KZ2C00002418 (LARIb3) of AsiaCredit Bank from representative list for bond market indices of KASE_BM* series due to market maker’s absence as of April 23

23.04.19 14:55
/KASE, April 23, 2019/ – The Committee on Indices and Securities Valuation of the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) as of April 23, 2019 removed bonds KZ2C00001766 (LARIb2) and KZ2C00002418 (LARIb3) of AsiaCredit Bank (Almaty) from the representative list for calculation of corporate bond market indices of the main market (series KASE_BM*) due to market maker’s absence. According to the Methodology of Stock Market Indices Calculation (hereinafter, the Methodology), availability of a market maker is one of the main criteria for having bonds of any denomination in the representative list of KASE_BM* series. As of April 23, 2019, representative list of KASE_BM* indices will consist of bonds of 35 names. This indicator is calculated by KASE once a day based on the results of trades in corporate bonds. The text of the Methodology is available on KASE website at http://kase.kz/files/normative_base/indicators_met_eng.pdf [2019-04-23]