Freedom Finance relinquishes status of market-maker on KASE for ordinary shares US8865471085 (US_TIF_) of Tiffany & Co., US30231G1022 (US_XOM_) of Exxon Mobil Corporation and A-class ordinary shares NL0009805522 (NL_YNDX) of Yandex N.V.
27.03.19 14:44
/KASE, March 27, 2019/ – Following a decision of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange
(KASE) Management Board, Freedom Finance (Almaty), as of April 1, 2019
will be released from duties of a market-maker on KASE for the following
- ordinary shares US8865471085 (KASE main market, category "standard",
US_TIF_) of Tiffany & Co (US);
- ordinary shares US30231G1022 (KASE main market, category "standard",
US_XOM_) of Exxon Mobil Corporation (US);
- ordinary shares класса А NL0009805522 (KASE main market, category
"standard", NL_YNDX) of Yandex N.V. (Kingdom of the Netherlands).
This decision was taken in accordance with article 3 of KASE internal document
"Rules of Market-Makers' Activities" as the market-maker voluntarily
relinquished said status.