Results of the specialized trades on primary floatation of Astana city's municipal bonds of the fifth issue
10.10.02 00:00
/KASE, October 10, 02 / - On October 10, 2002 the specialized trades on
primary floatation of coupon indexed bonds of local executive body of Astana
city of the fifth issue in KASE trade system. Only limited (competitive) bids
were admitted to the trades.
Bonds were offered by the issuer at face value. The subject of the haggling
was fixed coupon interest rate, which will be paid to bondholders twice a
Following are issue parameters and full floatation results.
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Type of securities Inscribed coupon mid-term
indexed bond
NIN KZZ4KY040054
KASE trade code AST048.005
Issue currency Kazakhstan tenge
Servicing currency Kazakhstan tenge
Type of indexation Face value at the rate of KZT to USD
of the National Bank of Kazakhstan
Par value KZT100
Circulation start date (the first date of
accumulated interest charging) October 11, 02
Maturity date (planned/actual) October 9, 06 / October 9, 06
Days in circulation 1460 (4 years)
Type of coupon semi-annual
Coupon payments dates (planned/actual) 1 April 10, 03 / April 10, 03
2 October 10, 03 / October 10, 03
3 April 9, 04 / April 9, 04
4 October 9, 04 / October 11, 04
5 April 9, 05 / April 11, 05
6 October 9, 05 / October 10, 05
7 April 9, 06 / April 10, 06
8 October 9, 06 / October 9, 06
Register fixation term (coupon, repayment) 3 working days
Announced issue volume, KZT 967,000,000.00
Settlement basis actual/365
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Date of specialized trades conducting October 10, 02
Time for applications presenting 11:30 - 13:00 ALT
Payment date (till 4:00 PM ALT) October 10, 02
Offering volume, KZT 967,000,000.00
Rate of KZT/USD on payment date 154.50
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Number of participants - KASE members 6
Number of submitted bids 9
Volume of submitted bids, bonds 32,031,000
Volume of submitted bids, KZT 3,203,100,000.00
Bid to ask, % 331.2%
Minimal rate on bid, %APR 8.4000
Maximal rate on bid, %APR 9.5000
Weighted average rate on bid, %APR 8.6150
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Volume of satisfied bids, bonds 9,670,000
Volume of satisfied bids, KZT 967,000,000.00
Set coupon rate, %APR 8.5000
38.93% of total volume of bid fell to the share of banks, 61.07 - to the share
of their corporate clients. Investors of other categories did not take part in
the floatation.
After conducting by the issuer of cutting-off procedure that determined the
size of coupon interest rate in the amount of 8.50%APR four bids were
satisfied. At this 92.76% of the floated bonds were purchased by banks'
clients, 7.24% - a bank.
By the results of the specialized trades the issuer floated the whole planned