Municipal bonds of Astana city of the fourth and the fifth issues have been admitted for circulation at KASE

09.10.02 00:00
/KASE, October 9, 02/ - By the decision of Kazakhstan stock exchange's (KASE) Board dated October 9 of 2002 on the basis of stock exchange's Council of the same date inscribed coupon indexed bonds of local executive body of Astana city of the fourth (KZZ4KY030048) and the fifth (KZZ4KY040054) issues have been admitted for circulation at KASE since October 10 of 2002. The mentioned securities have been assigned trade codes ASТ036.004 and ASТ048.005 correspondingly. Quotation accuracy in KASE trade system is four decimal figures. Status of bonds' market-maker at KASE according to the submitted application was given to Fondoviy service CJSC (Almaty). Minimal volumes of compulsory quotation for the market-maker are 4,000 bonds on each issue. Bonds were issued in non-documentary form and have the face value of KZT100. Announced volume of the fourth issue - KZT1,633.0m. Circulation term is 3 years. Announced volume of the fifth issue is KZT967.0m. Circulation term is 4 years. Bonds are offered at the face value at KASE specialized trades. After the results of these trades, there is set the single interest rate on each bonds issue, which is to be agreed with the Ministry of finance of Kazakhstan. Bonds circulation starts since the date, which follows the day of money transfer to the issuer's account (payment day) and stops three working days before interest payment and (or) bonds redemption. Bonds redemption is made by the issuer in tenge at indexed on maturity date face value on the date, which was fixed as maturity date for corresponding issue. Imposing of interest rate starts since the day, which follows the day of money transfer by the financial agent to the issuer's account for bonds purchased by investors at primary floatation, and is made during the whole circulation term, including maturity date, at the interest rate, which is determined by the results of specialized trades. Interest is imposed in tenge of bond's face value, indexed to devaluation (revaluation) of KZT to USD at the official rate, which is set by the National Bank of Kazakhstan on interest payment date. Interest payment on bonds is made by the issuer twice a year - on 182 th. and 365 th. days of corresponding bonds circulation year according to time basis actual/365 (actual number of days in the month, 365 days in a year). The last interest payment date clashes with bonds maturity day. The issuer has the right to make prescheduled bonds redemption with interest payment while their actual being in circulation in the next period of interest imposing. Register on bonds is maintained by Central depository of securities CJSC (Almaty). The issuer's financial consultants are Fondoviy service CJSC (ALmaty), Astana-finance OJSC (Astana), CAIFC Company CJSC (Almaty). Juridical consultant of the issue and the issuer is KAZAKHSTAN LEGAL GROUP LLP. The issuer's financial agent is KASE. According to the resolution of the Government of Kazakhstan "About local investment projects and borrowings by local executive body of Astana city for 2002 " dated September 3 of 2002 № 968 and decision of Mslikhat of Astana city dated June 26 of 2002 #174/32-II, money, which may be received from bonds floatation, will be used for financing of four local investment projects: KZT1.0bn for building of municipal lodging on the left bank of Ishim river, KZT270m - for building of addition for 700 educational places and reconstruction of Kazakh school-gymnasium #4, KZT967m - for building of the first turn of vodno-zeleniy boulevard of the new administrative center of Astana and KZT363m - for building of air line of electricity transmission "AL-110 кВ Airport-HS-2". [2002-10-09]