In July 2002 volume of CS deals at KASE increased by 3.9 times to $43.2m against June 2002
02.08.02 00:00
/IRBIS, August 02, 02/ - In July 2002 at the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange
(KASE) 145 deals were made in corporate securities in all sectors of the
market for a total of $43,244.2 th. (KZT6,651.3m at current rate of the
Exchange effective on the day the deals were made on).
In comparison with previous month sector's turnover increased by $32,212.6
th. (KZT4,962.1m) or 3.92 times (3.94 times in tenge). Relative to July 2001
volume of transactions decreased by $5,196.3 th. (KZT456.2m) or 10.7%
(6.4% in tenge).
Structure of CS turnover at KASE in July is presented in the following form:
purchase-sales account for 80.0% ($34,590.5 th.), repo transactions -
20.0% ($8,653.7 th.). In the sectors of state block of shares sale and primary
floatation no deals were made. For comparison, a structure of CS turnover in
2001 was characterized with the following parameters: initial floatation -
9.2% of transactions volume; SBS sector - 12.9%; sale-purchase sector -
40.3%; repo sector - 37.6%.
Following are the tables showing the corporate securities market at the
Exchange in July 2002.
Most tradable securities at the KASE in July 2002 (all sectors of the market)
Volume of Volume of Volume of Number
deals, deals, deals in of
Code Brief title of the issuer th. USD m, KZT securities deals
------ -------------------------- --------- --------- ---------- ------
BTAS Bank TuranAlem OJSC 14,079.04 2,165.73 118,206 7
CCBN Bank CenterCredit OJSC 5,910.14 908.64 4,377,544 14
KZTKb1 Kazakhtelecom 3,645.08 559.15 34,744 8
VTBNb1 VALUT-TRANSIT BANK OJSC 3,107.80 478.47 29,790 10
CSBN BANK CASPIAN OJSC 3,094.51 476.03 757,821 3
KZTOe1 KazTransOil OJSC 2,572.68 396.37 2,620,000 10
VTBNp VALUT-TRANSIT BANK OJSC 1,748.91 269.25 757,600 12
BTASe1 TuranAlem Finance B.V. 1,558.97 239.64 1,510,000 15
NFBN Neftebank OJSC 1,133.02 174.17 116,000 16
SMGZb1 SHAKHARMUNAIGAZ OJSC 1,117.33 171.52 11,251 5
ALKSb2 Almaty Kus OJSC 821.14 126.32 8,709 3
KZASb1 DAGOC KustanaiAsbest JSC 777.95 120.01 7,821 1
TXBNb1 TEXAKABANK OJSC 673.26 103.86 99,200 1
AMGZp SNPS-Aktobemunaigaz OJSC 498.99 76.83 15,500 3
KTTH Kaztorgtechnika OJSC 436.21 66.99 7,262 8
BTASb2 Bank TuranALem OJSC 360.85 55.66 3,900 3
MMGZp Mangistaumunaigaz OJSC 334.65 51.44 4,879 1
KZMS Kazakhmys Corporation OJSC 323.30 49.65 3,370 2
BSUL Bayan-Sulu OJSC 294.51 45.27 1,779 3
UTMK UKTMK OJSC 212.14 32.69 5,860 5
KZTKp Kazakhtelecom 195.23 30.07 9,303 6
CSBNb1 BANK CASPIAN OJSC 158.92 24.42 1,610 1
KIBN Kazinterbank OJSC 81.41 12.48 102,223 1
VITAb3 VITA OJSC 67.49 10.40 102,997 2
RGBRb2 RG BRANDS OJSC 40.45 6.21 400 3
CSBNp BANK CASPIAN OJSC 0.14 0.02 124 1
AKFI Aktobemunai-finance OJSC 0.07 0.01 100 1
Comments: The securities were sorted in descending order based on the volumes
of deals expressed in U.S. dollars. Small letters in the securities codes have
the following meanings: "p" - preferred inscribed share; "b" - bond: "e" -
eurobond; the rest - common inscribed share. The figure shows the number of the
bond issue. If there is no figure (old code) it implies that it is the first
Dynamics of the corporate securities market indicators in July 2002
Capitaliza- Capitaliza-
tion tion Bond value
of the of the index, Volume
share bonds Bonds including of
market, Share market, yield accum deals,
Date m, USD index m, USD index interest th. USD
----------- ----------- -------- ----------- ------- ---------- --------
June 28, 02 1,230.5 113.1072 705.304 10.1342 125.6067 555.2
July 1, 02 1,250.9 113.1645 720.106 10.1270 124.6666 1,010.1
July 2, 02 1,249.5 113.2608 719.498 10.1583 124.6806 168.1
July 3, 02 1,447.0 113.2223 719.564 10.1519 124.6635 202.9
July 4, 02 1,444.6 113.3746 722.516 10.1838 124.9644 276.5
July 5, 02 1,443.2 113.5008 722.224 10.2664 124.6936 365.0
July 8, 02 1,440.9 113.5028 721.717 10.2001 125.0301 2,829.6
July 9, 02 1,450.4 113.8176 721.495 10.2962 124.7314 335.0
July 10, 02 1,452.4 113.6743 721.863 10.2560 125.1006 1,331.5
July 11, 02 2,138.0 114.1025 721.843 10.2874 125.0345 3,125.9
July 12, 02 2,156.9 114.1311 721.756 10.2858 125.0723 19,209.5
July 15, 02 2,141.3 114.1924 721.399 10.2620 125.1505 188.7
July 16, 02 2,140.0 113.9014 721.852 10.2045 125.2537 337.0
July 17, 02 2,139.2 113.9401 721.595 10.2674 125.0962 199.8
July 18, 02 2,139.3 113.9401 721.601 10.1992 125.3332 41.5
July 19, 02 2,132.4 112.8787 721.553 10.2850 125.0990 99.6
July 22, 02 2,133.1 112.8413 721.586 10.2775 125.2212 238.7
July 23, 02 2,133.0 112.8258 721.648 10.2342 125.3888 101.3
July 24, 02 2,089.0 112.8634 721.961 10.1496 125.6659 671.4
July 25, 02 2,086.8 112.9321 722.429 10.1640 125.6759 45.7
July 26, 02 2,085.3 113.0055 722.313 10.2508 125.4124 0.0
July 29, 02 2,085.3 69.4802 721.855 10.1801 125.7180 394.0
July 30, 02 2,082.6 113.1378 721.663 10.2296 125.6020 10.2
July 31, 02 2,081.8 113.1791 721.080 10.1992 125.6887 3,408.4
----------- ----------- -------- ----------- ------- ---------- --------
Trend +851.3 +0.0719 +15.776 +0.0650 +0.0820
+69.18% +0.06% +2.24% +0.64% +0.07%
Comments: The shares index (KASE_Shares) reflects the changes in the bids on
the shares from the official list of the Exchange's securities of the category
"A", including the market capitalization of their issuers. The capitalization
of the bond market - indicator that reflects the volume of corporate debt
circulating on the KASE as the bonds of the companies. It is calculated on the
basis of the number of issued bonds and the bonds admitted to the trades and
their market values. In case of the absence of the last figure, face value is
used instead. The capitalization of the share market - indicator that reflects
the market capitalization of the companies whose shares were entered into
official list of the KASE securities. It is calculated on the basis of the
number of issued shares and their last market values. In case of the absence of
the deals the face values of the securities, expressed in U.S. dollars (if
necessary) at the rate of the Exchange for the current day, are used. Index of
bonds yields (KASE_BY) - weighted average (through capitalization) yield of the
corporate bonds of category "A" of the KASE official list, which is calculated
based on the deals or average bids of the market-makers (if there is no deal).
Index of bond yields with accumulated interest (KASE_BP) - weighted average
(through capitalization) "dirty" price of the corporate bonds of category "A"
of the KASE official list, which is calculated based on the deals or average
bids of the market-makers (if there is no deal). Purchase-sale deals include
the deals made in state blocks of shares and doesn't take into account repo
transactions volume and volume of initial offerings at specialized trades of