SHAKHARMUNAIGAZ OJSC (Kazakhstan) informed at KASE about progress of work on Kultuk field and actions of its bonds guarantor - Munaigaz OJSC
25.06.02 00:00
/KASE, June 25, 02/ -On Monday SHAKHARMUNAIGAZ OJSC (Almaty), which
bonds are traded at Kazakhstan stock exchange under the official securities
list of "A" category, in response to stock exchange inquiry informed KASE in
official letter about progress of work on the hydrocarbon raw materials field
Kultuk and some aspects of its guarantor's activity - Munaigaz OJSC (Almaty).
In particular, it is informed that currently on Kultuk field (Beyneuskiy rayon
Mangystau oblast) the work is conducted in accordance with Recourses Usage
Work program in 2002, which agrees Zapkaznedra Technical Conditions dated
November 19, 2001. Bureaucratic procedures on making a contract with
Kaznefterazrabotka LLP on reconstruction of the road to the 5th well and
construction of fill ground are coming to the end. In parallel there is
executed a mobilizing of boring rig A-50 and all necessary equipment for
reconstruction of the 5th well and subsequent transfer to the 3rd well. During
the forth quarter a pilot exploitation of the mentioned above wells is planned.
Also it is announced that Munaigaz OJSC - debt guarantor of
SHAKHARMUNAIGAZ OJSC - at present in cooperation with
KAZKOMMERTSBANK OJSC is finishing conduction of a tender on choosing of a
contractor for holding a 3-dimensional seismics on the territory of Imashev
field. Estimated costs are $2.5-3.0. Beginning of the work is planned to be in
the third quarter of 2002, ending - in the forth quarter of 2002.
SHAKHARMUNAIGAZ OJSC management assured KASE that more specific
report about underway and already done work will be provided later.
We'll remind that the first issue of SHAKHARMUNAIGAZ OJSC bonds
(KZ75KASICA50; KASE trade code - SMGZb1; January 18, 01 - January 18, 06;
$30.0m; $100; annual coupon at 13.0% APR) was authorized on December 18,
2000. Bonds were issued by the company with the aim of money borrowing for
financing a project on Kultuk field development. The role of a security played
SHAKHARMUNAIGAZ OJSC property rights for Kultuk field. In case of inability to
pay debt on issued bonds the founder of SHAKHARMUNAIGAZ OJSC -
Munaigaz OJSC will take a responsibility. Munaigaz OJSC gave a corresponding
guarantee to SHAKHARMUNAIGAZ OJSC (guarantee letter of Munaigaz OJSC
dated November 1111, 2000).
At present, KASE has information that as of December 18, 2001 (Date of register
fixation for the first coupon payment) 20% of the authorized issue volume had
been floated. At that by the issuer's information that majority of holders as
of the mentioned date were Kazakhstan accumulative pension funds (46.70%),
Pension assets management companies (17.0% against their own accounts) and
broker dealer companies (35.33%). Approximately 1% of bonds were offered to
investors of other categories.