Issue, circulation and maturity terms of first issue bonds of NURBANK OJSC (Kazakhstan)
04.06.02 00:00
/IRBIS, June 04, 02/ - Following is the characteristics of second issue bonds
of Nurbank OJSC (Atyrau) published in connection with their admittance
into official list of securities of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) under
category "A". Data are given based on conclusion of listing commission of
KASE and data presented to the exchange by the issuer.
Type of securities: indexed inscribed coupon bonds
Indexation type: par value towards devaluation level
of KZT/USD exchange rate
Debt type: Primary unsubordinate unsecured
Issue currency: Kazakhstani tenge (KZT)
Servicing currency: Kazakhstani tenge (KZT)
Credit ratings of issue: absent as of issue date
Credit ratings of issuer: S&P: long-term counteragent "В" and
sort-term "С" stable
National identification number: KZ2CKY03A544
Issue number in state register: А54
Register maintenance: Fondovyi center CJSC (Almaty)
Date of issue registration: April 22, 02
Par value in issue currency: 1,000.00
Issue volume in issue currency: 1,500,000,000.00
Issue volume in securities: 1,500,000
Date of circulation start (issue date): May 22, 02
Floatation term: 3 years from date
of circulation start
Circulation term: 3 years
Maturity date: May 22, 05
Coupon rate (interest rate): 8.5% APR of indexed par value
Dates of coupon payment (interest rate): May 22 and November 22 each year
Time basis at all settlements: 30/360, European method
Register fixation term at coupon payment 30 days prior to payment date
Register fixation date for coupon payment: April 22 and October 22 each year
Register fixation term at maturity: 30 days till maturity date
Register fixation date at maturity: April 22, 05
Financial consultants: Absent
Date of admittance in trade lists of KASE: June 05, 02
Date of first trades: to be determined later
Trade code of KASE: NRBNb1
Accuracy of price change at quoting: four decimal figures
Market-makers at KASE: Fondovyi center CJSC (Almaty)
Minimal volume of obligatory quotation: 400 bonds
Indexed par value of a debt is calculated as a multiplication of par value by
devaluation temp coefficient (revaluation) of tenge. Coefficient of devaluation
(revaluation) temp (Kd) is calculated as a ratio of current weighted average
exchange rate of USD (Xt), specified at morning (main) session of KASE, to
similar rate (Xo) for bonds circulation starting date (Kd=Xt/Xo).In calculation
Kd is not rounded.
Coupon payment is calculated as a product of indexed par value of bonds,
coupon rate and number of days in the coupon charge period divided on 360 days.
Persons who acquired bonds not later than 30 days prior to coupon payment
or maturity date have a right for receiving of coupon payments on bonds and
par value of debt. If date of coupon payment or maturity date is not working
day then payment is made on next working day. Bondholder has no right to
demand coupon accrued or any compensation for such delay in payment.
Bonds repayment is realized at indexed for par value of bonds in circulation
with immediate payment of last coupon by cash transfer to holders of bonds
circulated to the maturity date.
Persons who acquired bonds not later than 30 days prior to principal
payment date have a right for receiving of principal amount. If date of senior
debt payment or maturity date is day off or holiday then payment is made on
next working day. Holder has no right to demand coupon accrued or any
compensation for such delay in payment.
Complete before the appointed time maturity is made in with agreement
of the National Bank at indexed par value of bonds calculated to the date
officially announced as a date of complete repayment on the basis of number
of days of coupon payment accrual.
Notification of bondholders about complete before the appointed time
maturity will be made 45 days prior to officially announced date before the
appointed time maturity in Kazakhstanskaya Pravda and Egemen
Kazakhstan newspapers and through the communications means of
Kazakhstan stock exchange CJSC. Date of fixation of bondholders register
is determined 30 days prior to officially announced date of before the
appointed time complete maturity of bonds.
Purposes of this issue: activation of company's activity in the sphere of
financing of large enterprises of real sector of the economy, and increasing
of crediting volumes for mid- and small enterprises.