In May 2002 volume of CS deals at KASE grew by 16.4% to $47.0m against April 2002
03.06.02 00:00
/IRBIS, June 3, 02/ - In May 2002 at the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange
(KASE) 110 deals were made in corporate securities in all sectors of the
market for a total of $46,973.7 th. (KZT7,185.9m at current rate of the
Exchange effective on the day the deals were made on).
In comparison with previous month sector's turnover increased by $6,632.5
th. (KZT1,021.6m) or 16.4% (16.6% in tenge). Relative to May 2001 volume
of transactions rose by $26,195.2 th (KZT4,150.5m) or 2.3 times (2.4 times
in tenge).
Structure of CS turnover at KASE in March is presented in the following
form: initial offerings account for 16.3% of volume of total deals made
($7,643.4 th.), purchase-sales account for 80.2% ($37,673.6 th.), repo
transactions - 3.5% ($1,656.6 th.). In the sector of state block of shares sale
two deals amounting to $20.9 were made. For comparison, a structure of CS
turnover in 2001 was characterized with the following parameters: initial
floatation - 9.2% of transactions volume; SBS sector - 12.9%; sale-
purchase sector - 40.3%; repo sector - 37.6%.
Following are the tables showing the corporate securities market at the
Exchange in May 2002.
Most tradable securities at the KASE in May 2002 (all sectors of the market)
Volume of Volume of Volume of Number
deals, deals, deals in of
Code Brief title of the issuer th. USD m, KZT securities deals
--------------- -------------------------- --------- --------- ---------- ------
ZHEN Zhyluenergiya OJSC 15,437.51 2,362.20 14,400,000 18
BTAS Bank TuranAlem OJSC 11,794.98 1,803.45 107,862 4
HSBKp Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan 3,494.92 534.62 560,000 2
BTASe1 TuranAlem Finance B.V. 3,077.85 471.15 2,834,000 22
BRKZb1 Development Bank of 2,046.78 312.95 311,000 3
Kazakhstan OJSC
CCBN Bank CenterCredit OJSC 1,967.58 300.85 1,461,155 7
KZAPb1 NAC Kazatomprom 1,934.16 295.87 3,000,000 4
BTASb2 Bank TuranAlem OJSC 1,571.64 240.79 17,280 2
HSBKp Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan 1,275.46 195.10 1,300,000 2
ASFIb2 Astana-finance OJSC 1,233.77 188.69 1,950,000 2
KZTKPb1 Kazakhtelecom 827.21 126.48 8,001 8
KZTOe1 KazTransOil OJSC 794.46 121.51 771,000 4
VTBNb1 VALUT-TRANSIT BANK 526.70 80.54 5,150 6
KTTH Kazorgtechnika OJSC 371.02 56.82 6,061 6
TEBNb TEMIRBANK OJSC 205.89 31.54 2,000 1
KZTKp Kazakhtelecom 154.67 23.70 8,593 1
RGBRb2 RG BRANDS OJSC 97.71 14.93 930 1
TMJLb2 NSE Kazakhstan Temir Zholy 70.20 10.73 700 2
KZTKp Kazakhtelecom 34.32 5.25 2,500 1
KZTOb KazTransOil OJSC 31.18 4.77 300 1
MMGZp Mangistaumunaigas OJSC 16.60 2.54 4,000 2
UKTMK UKTMK OJSC 8.14 1.25 200 2
ALKZp Aliuminii Kazakhstana OJSC 0.84 0.13 6,348 6
TEBNb TEMIRBANK OJSC 0.03 0.01 10 1
Z SEMG SEMGEO OJSC 0.02 0.00 1 1
Z KOKSHGIDROGEO Kokshetaugidrogeologiya 0.00 0.00 1 1
Comments: The securities were sorted in descending order based on the volumes
of deals expressed in U.S. dollars. Small letters in the securities codes have
the following meanings: "p" - preferred inscribed share; "b" - bond: "e" -
eurobond; the rest - common inscribed share. The figure shows the number of the
bond issue. If there is no figure (old code) it implies that it is the first
Dynamics of the corporate securities market indicators in April 2002
Capitaliza- Capitaliza-
tion tion Bond value
of the of the index, Volume
share bonds Bonds including of
market, Share market, yield accum deals,
Date m, USD index m, USD index interest th. USD
---------- ----------- -------- ----------- ------- ---------- --------
Apr 30, 02 1,422.4 108.7477 710.038 9.2376 123.1838 1,243.5
May 2, 02 1,416.5 113.7255 709.984 10.0561 123.2174 0
May 3, 02 1,401.2 113.7021 709.983 10.0601 123.2270 6,941.6
May 6, 02 1,401.3 113.8722 710.728 9.9779 123.5304 120.8
May 7, 02 1,399.8 113.6175 710.626 10.0028 123.4954 8,924.0
May 8, 02 1,404.3 113.5114 710.833 9.9529 123.6690 451.9
May 12, 02 1,403.5 113.4845 710.795 9.9850 123.7068 8.6
May 13, 02 1,362.7 113.4646 710.830 9.9800 123.7521 85.1
May 14, 02 1,365.1 113.4537 711.924 9.8959 124.0199 645.9
May 15, 02 1,365.3 113.4408 711.697 9.9809 123.8139 108.6
May 16, 02 1,365.3 113.5078 711.515 9.9113 124.0279 507.3
May 17, 02 1,365.4 113.5398 711.326 10.0196 123.7776 134.9
May 20, 02 1,365.5 113.3961 711.337 9.9564 124.0017 0
May 21, 02 1,356.4 113.4442 724.408 9.9306 123.9545 976.8
May 22, 02 1,356.7 113.5399 722.771 9.9029 124.0699 1,428.5
May 23, 02 1,356.8 113.4648 722.865 9.9687 123.9007 804.8
May 24, 02 1,355.4 113.4288 722.861 9.8302 124.3442 138.7
May 27, 02 1,388.9 118.8307 723.010 9.9877 124.0939 12,021.3
May 28, 02 1,388.3 113.3558 720.740 9.8942 124.2474 514.3
May 29, 02 1,386.0 113.4475 720.663 9.9401 124.1406 3,398.8
May 30, 02 1,390.7 113.4085 721.423 9.9130 124.2556 256.1
May 31, 02 1,391.2 113.4918 721.457 10.0944 124.1758 205.9
Trend -31.2 +4.7441 +11.419 +0.8568 +0.9920
---------- ----------- -------- ----------- ------- ---------- --------
-2.13% +4.36% +1.61% +9.28% +0.81%
Apr 30, 02 1,422.4 108.7477 710.038 9.2376 123.1838 1,243.5
Comments: The shares index (KASE_Shares) reflects the changes in the bids on
the shares from the official list of the Exchange's securities of the category
"A", including the market capitalization of their issuers. In late December
there were 19 shares of 12 issuers in calculation list of KASE for this index.
The capitalization of the bond market - indicator that reflects the volume of
corporate debt circulating on the KASE as the bonds of the companies. It is
calculated on the basis of the number of issued bonds and the bonds admitted to
the trades and their market values. In case of the absence of the last figure,
face value is used instead. The capitalization of the share market - indicator
that reflects the market capitalization of the companies whose shares were
entered into official list of the KASE securities. It is calculated on the
basis of the number of issued shares and their last market values. In case of
the absence of the deals the face values of the securities, expressed in U.S.
dollars (if necessary) at the rate of the Exchange for the current day, are
used. Index of bonds yields (KASE_BY) - weighted average (through
capitalization) yield of the corporate bonds of category "A" of the KASE
official list, which is calculated based on the deals or average bids of the
market-makers (if there is no deal). Index of bond yields with accumulated
interest (KASE_BP) - weighted average (through capitalization) "dirty" price of
the corporate bonds of category "A" of the KASE official list, which is
calculated based on the deals or average bids of the market-makers (if there is
no deal). Purchase-sale deals include the deals made in state blocks of shares
and doesn't take into account repo transactions volume and volume of initial
offerings at specialized trades of KASE.