Pension funds of Kazakhstan continue buying supranational bonds
18.02.02 00:00
/IRBIS, Feb 18, 02/ - On Friday following supranational bonds were entered
into the register of securities acquired by the subjects of Kazakhstan pension
Issuer: Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Type of bonds: global
International identification number: US045167BG70
Code in a register: ADB_U050207
Issue currency: U.S. dollar
Issue volume in a issue currency: 2,000,000,000
Date of circulation start (issue date): Feb 5.02
Circulation term: 5 years
Maturity date: Feb 5.07
Coupon type: semiannual
Coupon rate: 4.875% APR
Coupon payment dates: each year on February 5 and August 5
Price at initial offering: 99.6100%
Time basis for yield calculation: ISMA-30/360
Lot size at initial offering, USD: 1,000
Credit ratings:
Moody's Aaa
Fitch AAA
Current market quotations (BLOOMBERG):
prices, % (demand / supply) 100.1113 / 100.2423
yield (demand / supply) 4.85 / 4.82
Data on bonds structure is given based on information of BLOOMBERG