In 2001 volume of all transactions at KASE reached $10,244.7m, a 2.02 time increase against 2000
07.01.02 00:00
/IRBIS, Jan 7, 02/ - In 2001 total volume of transactions made in all sectors
of the KASE reached an equivalent of $10,244.7m, or KZT1,513.4bn.
Compared to last year, turnover increased 2.02 times measured in dollars
and 2.09 times measured in tenges. Corresponding figures for first 10
months were 1.74 and 1.79 times, and for 11 months - 1.89 and 1.95,
Following is the table of volumes of deals made at KASE during those
periods, as well as dynamics of the turnover structure of the Exchange (in
millions USD unless otherwise indicated). The calculation was made in terms
of dollars.
Trend, %
Market ---------------
sector in in
KASE 2001 2000 $ mln %
------------- -------- ------- -------- ------
Foreign 1,961.9 1,743.4 +218.5 +12.5
currency 19.2% 34.3%
------------- -------- ------- -------- ------
Futures 520.9 66.9 +454.0 +679.0
contracts 5.1% 1.3%
------------- -------- ------- -------- ------
GS 7,250.2 3,129.0 +4,121.2 +131.7
70.8% 61.6%
------------- -------- ------- -------- ------
CS 505.8 138.5 +367.3 +265.2
4.9% 2.7%
------------- -------- ------- -------- ------
Supranational 5.9 0 +5.9 -
bonds 0.1% 0%
------------- -------- ------- -------- ------
TOTAL 10,244.7 5,077.8 +5,166.9 +101.8
100% 100%
The data proved again that the market of the Exchange is growing at an
accelerating rate in Kazakhstan. Notably, the most growth rate (excluding
futures contracts sector, since this market segment can not be regarded as
well developed) was attributable to corporate securities (CS) sector. In 2000
the foreign currency sector was characterized by the decline in volumes of
deals by 18.0% against 1999, the futures sector grew by 9.2%, and GS
sector expanded by 135.7%, CS sector - by 541.1%.
Following is the table with the dynamics of the turnover of the Exchange in
2001, which is grouped by months and market sectors. Turnover structures
of the sectors were calculated in terms of dollars.
Forex Futures GS CS Supranat-ls
------------ ----------- ------------ ---------- ------------
Month volume % volume % volume % volume % volume % TOTAL
Est. bn KZT
I 18.3 18.1 82.1 80.9 1.0 1.0 101.4
II 19.4 26.4 51.6 70.4 1.9 2.5 0.440 0.601 73.3
III 21.1 24.1 63.3 72.1 3.3 3.7 0.086 0.098 87.7
IV 18.9 20.6 69.9 76.2 3.0 3.2 0.026 0.029 91.8
V 23.5 25.4 66.2 71.4 3.0 3.3 92.8
VI 20.9 27.2 51.9 67.5 4.1 5.3 76.9
VII 24.2 26.0 61.8 66.4 7.1 7.6 93.2
VIII 17.9 18.5 73.3 75.7 5.6 5.8 0.011 0.012 96.8
IX 23.1 20.4 82.8 73.4 6.8 6.0 0.260 0.230 112.9
X 33.7 21.0 118.3 73.8 8.2 5.1 0.040 0.025 160.3
XI 30.3 13.8 174.3 79.1 15.7 7.1 220.3
XII 37.5 12.3 79.7 26.0 173.7 56.7 15.2 5.0 306.1
----- ------- ---- ------ ---- ------- ---- ------ --- ------ ----- --------
( 288.8 19.1 79.7 5.3 1,069.2 70.6 74.8 4.9 0.863 0.057 1,513.4
Est. bn USD
I 126.2 18.1 564.7 80.9 6.8 1.0 697.7
II 133.3 26.4 355.0 70.4 12.8 2.5 3.028 0.601 504.1
III 145.2 24.1 434.8 72.1 22.4 3.7 0.592 0.098 603.0
IV 129.7 20.6 480.1 76.2 20.4 3.2 0.180 0.029 630.4
V 160.9 25.4 453.0 71.4 20.8 3.3 634.7
VI 142.4 27.2 354.1 67.5 28.0 5.3 524.5
VII 165.1 26.0 421.2 66.4 48.4 7.6 634.7
VIII 121.7 18.5 498.3 75.7 37.9 5.8 0.077 0.012 658.0
IX 156.2 20.4 560.6 73.4 45.7 6.0 1.758 0.230 764.3
X 227.7 21.0 799.2 73.8 55.7 5.1 0.267 0.025 1,082.9
XI 204.1 13.8 1,173.1 79.1 105.5 7.1 1,482.6
XII 249.5 12.3 520.9 25.7 1,156.1 57.0 101.4 5.0 2,027.9
----- ------- ---- ------ ---- ------- ---- ------ --- ------ ----- --------
( 1,961.9 19.2 520.9 5.1 7,250.2 70.8 505.8 4.9 5.903 0.058 10,244.7
Supranat-ls - bonds of international financial organizations.
There were 2 most noticeable features of December 2001. The first is the
significant expansion of the foreign currency sector due to the influence of
seasonal factor. However, as futures market became active it did not allow
the foreign currency sector to take bigger share. The second is a very high
volume of deals made in CS. Despite of the fact that as against November
there were no sales of state blocks of shares at KASE, and the volume of CS
deals was very high. The market expansion was achieved mostly through
the purchase-sale sector.
Total proportion of deals made in securities at KASE in 2001 reached 75.6%.
In 2000 this figure did not exceed 64.3%.