National Bank approves report on results of Estate Management Company shares offering from October 4, 2016 to April 3, 2017

07.06.17 12:09
/KASE, June 7, 2016, changed as the issuer updated the document/ – Estate Management Company (Almaty, Company), whose shares are officially listed on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), has provided KASE with a copy of a letter from the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan (National Bank) dated May 30, 2017 on approval of the report on the results of the bank's shares offering. According to the letter provided: - National Bank approved the report on the results of offering of the Company shares from October 4, 2016 to April 3, 2017; - as of April 3, 2017 30,000,000 ordinary shares and 3,001,000 preferred shares of the Company were outstanding; its shareholder capital equaled to KZT93,504,970,000.00. Said letter and the report are available on KASE website – [2017-06-07]