In 2002 Kazakhstan again will try to sale government shares
18.07.01 00:00
/IRBIS, July 18, 01/ - According to Almaty REUTERS bureau Ministry of
finance elaborated privatization program due to which shares of metallurgical
companies Kazzinc and Ust-Kamenogorsk titanium-magnesium plant and of
other companies from the so called "blue chips" list said Minister of finance
Mazhit Esenbaev at the press conference.
During last years Kazakhstan was trying to sale government shares of
metallurgical and oil companies - "blue chips". During that time the scheme
of sale was reviewed and now it is planning to attract strategical investors.
Today minister said that those means do not play basic role for budget
enlargement and privatization is reconsidered only from the point of effective
owner of state property.
Mazhit Esenbaev said - "Indeed there is nothing to sale. Besides those
means from privatization are not determining factors for budget for us more
actual is to attract effective owner for state property".
2001 year planned budget receipt is amounting KZT38bn. Esenbaev said
that next year Ministry of finance does not plan receipt in such volume.
According to information of Ministry of finance which was officially published
on ministry site privatization receipt of January and May 2001 amounted