Asku ferroalloy plant in Kazakhstan built its own power supply line
14.02.01 00:00
/IRBIS, Feb 14, 01/ - REUTERS informs, with the reference to the general
director assistant of Aksu ferroalloy plant, the major producer of ferroalloys
in Kazakhstan, Svetlana Gorbunova, that it has finished the construction of its
own power supply line for 220 kilovolt, which is to cut product cost.
The power line, which has been built for several months, has a total length of
9.4 km and connected the plant with the distribution facility of the
Evroaziatskaya energeticheskaya korporatsya OJSC (Eurasian energy
corporation). Both the corporation and the plant are part of Eurasian bank
The head of the Eurasian bank, Aleksandr Mashkevich, informed that the
power line would allow the plant to save $6-7 mln each year. The need for
having its own power line is dictated by a growth of tariffs on power in 1998
causing the cost of the production to increase, and the tariffs are said to
have increase by more than 1,000% from 1997 to 2000.
She said that the plant will get the power through its own line and through the
line owned by the national power operator, KEGOC in a proportion of 75% to
25%, respectively, as specified in an agreement signed by two parties.
One of the lines owned by the KEGOC is not loaded and will be used as a
reserve line for emergencies, is said.
Total construction cost of the line is said to have equaled KZT142 mln, which
turns into three year pay back period.
Aksu ferroalloy plant is said to be a part of transnational company
Kazchrome, which is controlled by the Eurasian bank. Its year 2000
production reached 795.7 th. tons of ferroalloys used in the production of
steel and profits reached KZT3 bln.