DAGOK Kustanaiasbest OJSC (Kazakhstan): brief characteristics
13.02.01 00:00
/IRBIS, Feb 13, 01/ - Following is brief characteristics of DAGOK
Kustanaiasbest OJSC (company), prepared on the basis of the materials of
the Listing commission of the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE). The
characteristics is published due to the entering the first issue bonds
(KZ739AVI2A42; KZASb1; $100; $6 mln; Feb 19, 01 - Feb 19, 04;
semiannual coupon at 12% APR) of DAGOK Kustanaiasbest OJSC into
official list of the KASE securities under category "A".
The agency IRBIS is not liable for the reliability of the information presented
hereafter, which is taken from the conclusion of the KASE Listing
commission and the materials presented by the issuer to the KASE.
Primary activities of the company, based on its charter, are the extraction
and concentration of chrysotile-asbestos ore and production of commodity
asbestos and by-products on its base). Main product of the company is
commodity asbestos.
The company is a member of non-governmental and non-commercial
association of the asbestos producers, International Asbestos Association
(IAA) with the head office located in Canada and Information Association of
Asbestos (IAA) with the head office in the USA.
The date of initial state registration - May 12, 91. Legal status - open joint
stock company. Ownership - private. Legal and actual address of the head
office - 67, Lenin St., Jetikara, Kostanai region, 459430, Kazakhstan. The
number of employees is 3,453.
The companies of Kustanaiasbest combine are located in the north of
Kazakhstan, near Jetikara in Zaural mine region, known for its iron,
aluminum, asbestos, gold and zinc deposit sites. The combine develops
Djetygarinsk site, which is the fifth biggest site in chrysotile-asbestos. The
combine is one of four asbestos producers in CIS and only one in Kazakhstan.
- Permanent license issued by the State committee of Kazakhstan on
investments on Sep 7, 95 (series MG, #434) granting the right to develop
Djetygarinsk site of chrysotile-asbestos in Djetygarinsk district of Kostanai
region. By the decision of this committee #R-2/98, dated Feb 19, 98, the
changes were made into the license, which gives the company the right
to extract talc and nephritic minerals at Djetygarinsk site of chrysotile-
- Permanent license (general) #0002700 of the Ministry of energy, industry
and trade of Kazakhstan issued on June 8, 00 granting the right to
transmit and distribute power.
- Permanent license (general) #0001255 of the Ministry of energy, industry
and trade of Kazakhstan issued on Nov 6, 98 granting the right to engage
in activities related to conducting mining and explosion works.
- Permanent license (general) #0000337 of the Ministry of energy, industry
and trade of Kazakhstan issued on Sep 29, 00 granting the right to collect
(stock piling), store, process and sale the scrap of non-ferrous and
ferrous metals.
- Permanent license (general) #0002701 of the Ministry of energy, industry
and trade of Kazakhstan issued on June 8, 00 granting the right to
engage in mounting and fixing the boilers, vessels and pipelines that work
under pressure.
- State license (KST, #000446) of the Kazstroikomitet granting the right to
engage in design, construction-mounting works, as well as production of
building constructions, items and materials in Kazakhstan based on the
list dated June 28, 00. The license is to be approved annually not later
than June 28.
- State license (AVT, #00110976, #00110977) of the Committee on
transportation control of the Ministry of transportation, communication and
tourism of Kazakhstan, issued on June 16, 00 granting the right to
engage in cargo transportation with automobiles. The license is valid till
June 16, 2001.
- State license (OGT, #0004893) of the Ministry of energy, industry and
trade of Kazakhstan issued on July 5, 00 granting the right to engage in
transportation of dangerous cargo on international routes. The license is
valid till July 5, 2001.
Main production capacities of the combine were built and put into service
during 1965-1974. In September 1993 the combine was transformed into
open joint stock company of open type. In 1997 a tender was announced to
sell the state block of shares of the company. Aina Company became the
winner, and the major shareholder of the company. In 2000 it transferred
ownership rights to Pole Co LLP (Almaty, Kazakhstan), which now owns
88% of the DAGOK Kustanaiasbest OJSC shares and controls the company.
As of Jan 1, 01 announced, issued and paid authorized capital of the
DAGOK Kustanaiasbest OJSC equaled KZT460 mln. Total of 4,600,000
shares at KZT100 each were issued, including 4,530,000 common and
70,000 preferred shares. DAGOK Kustanaiasbest OJSC has registered two
issues of the securities. The first issue was conducted on Jan 29, 97 and
contained 630,000 common inscribed shares (KZ1C21211213) and 70,000
preferred inscribed shares (KZ1P21211218). The second (additional) issue
was registered on Aug 11, 00 for KZT390 mln and consisted of 3,900,000
common inscribed shares (KZ1C21211213). All shares were issued in non-
documentary form. The shareholders register is maintained by Kazregistr
LLP (license #20406200022 issued on Aug 3, 99). Constitutive documents of
the issuer do not contain the norms that discriminate or limit the rights of
the holders of the company's securities to transfer (alienate) them.
Based on registered share issue prospectus of DAGOK Kustanaiasbest
OJSC, the minimum guaranteed dividend to preferred shares is 20%.
Dividends were not charged in 1997. Based on the decision of the Annual
general shareholders meeting of July 16, 99 and May 24, 00, the dividends
charged in 1998 and 1999 equaled KZT1,400 th. for each year. The
dividends were not paid completely because not all shareholders claimed. In
1998 KZT873.6 th. (remaining amount - KZT526.4 th.) was paid, in 1999 -
KZT441.1 th. (remaining amount - KZT958.6 th.).
First and second issue common and preferred shares of DAGOK
Kustanaiasbest OJSC were traded on non-listed securities floor of the KASE
from March 26, 98 through July 7, 99. Two deals were made in common
shares on March 30 and 31, 1998 at KZT2,100 and KZT2,250 per share.
The list of shareholders of DAGOK Kustanaiasbest OJSC as of Oct 19, 00:
Pole Co LLP (Almaty; 88.00% of the authorized capital); NBK Securities LLP
(Almaty; 7.39%); Akim administration of Kostanai region (Kostanai; 3.04%).
Based on the register of the securities holders, as of indicated dates, two
legal entities owned more than 5% of total shares.
As it has been noted above, the combine develops Djetygarinsk deposit site
(Djetygarinsk district of Kostanai region), which is the fifth biggest
chrysotile- asbestos reserves in the world. Based on the data of DAGOK
Kustanaiasbest OJSC, initial reserves of the site were 1,074 mln tons of ore.
As of late 1992 32.5% of the reserves were depleted and residual reserves
equaled 724.9 mln tons. In late 1992 the reserves were recalculated at
3.88% content of asbestos, and they decreased to 705.3 mln tons. As of late
2000 residual reserves were at 684 mln tons. If current production volumes
(about 3 mln tons a year) are maintained, these reserves will last for 228
years, and if the combine reaches its projected capacity of 10 mln tons a
year, they would last for 70 years. Based on the issuer's data, asbestos
content of the ore changed over the last 4 years from 4.82% to 5.74%, at
5.16% on average, which is by one third greater than the figure used in
calculations of the reserves in 1992. It means that now the reserves are
exaggerated and the next calculations will reduce them noticeably.
Correspondingly, the life span of the mine can be decreased. However, even
in the case of gradual increase in production and content, the combine is
believed to function at least 50 years.
In 1997 only nephrite deposit site was discovered within the mountain
allotment of the combine. In 1999 the production of this mineral has started.
Projected capacity of the mines is about 10 mln tons of ore a year, that of
concentration factories is 600 th. tons. The most actual production (11 mln
tons a year) was reached in late 70's.
In early 90's, due to a decline in demand for asbestos, the production
declined partially and some companies of the combine were shut down.
During all subsequent years Kustaanaiasbest kept working, though by the
year 1994 the production fell to 2.8 mln, then after some growth in 1995-
1997 (3-3.2 mln tons a year), it fell back to 2.1 mln in 1999. The demand
growth resumed the increase in extraction volumes up to 3 mln tons in 2000.
There are 5 major subdivision in the structure of DAGOK Kustanaiasbest
OJSC. Significant proportion of wear and tear of fixed assets is typical for
them. For separate kinds of fixed assets it varies from 13 to 90%. The least
wear and tear is typical to the buildings (13-30%), while the most wear and
tear to machinery and vehicles (65-80% on average).
Accumulated depreciation of fixed assets at major subdivisions of DAGOK
Kustanaiasbest OJSC (data of the issuer)
Subdivision Depreciation, %
---------------------------------- ---------------
Mining administration 40 - 68
Concentration factory 40 - 65
Vehicle division 30 - 70
Railroad transportation enterprise 17 - 90
Power facility 13 - 85
The main product of DAGOK Kustanaiasbest OJSC is chrysotile-asbestos of
4 groups and 15 brands. The brand of the asbestos is determined based on
the content of the certain asbestos group. The number of the group is
determined by prevailing length of the asbestos fiber. The varieties with
longer fibers are referred to the smallest number groups (starting from zero)
and the shortest ones to the sixth and seventh. The grouping is the major
factor for pricing, since more longer fibers are the most expensive ones.
Additional products of the company account for about 2% and consists of the
asbestos of the seventh group, as well as crushed stone, powder used in the
production of ruberoid. Most of the products of DAGOK Kustanaiasbest
OJSC go to the production of asbestos pipes and roofing sheets. They are
also used in the production of pads and hydroinsulating materials, which are
used in construction and machinery. The company does not produce 1 and 2
groups of asbestos and textile asbestos (group zero), since corresponding
brands of asbestos are absent in Djetygarinsk mines.
Although Kazakhstan has its own asbestos producing companies, this
material is not used widely, and DAGOK Kustanaiasbest OJSC is mainly
export oriented. Exports varied from 81% (1997) to 98% (2000). The
company is the major supplier of asbestos to the world market. Based on the
information of the company, its exports reached 9% of total supplies of
chrysotile-asbestos in the world.
The major competitors of DAGOK Kustanaiasbest OJSC are the Russian
producers of chrysotile-asbestos: Uralasbest (Asbest, Sverdlov region) and
Orenburgasbest (Yasnyi, Orenburg region), which supply the same group of
products to the same markets. At that, the production volumes of these
companies significantly exceed those of DAGOK Kustanaiasbest OJSC in
natural terms: Uralasbest - 3.7 times, and Orenburgasbest - 2.3 times.
However, most of their production is consumed on domestic market of
Russia, since it is the major consumer of asbestos in the world. It consumed
about 500 th. tons (quarter of the world's consumption). And that year
Russian companies supplied 159 th. tons of asbestos, or 24% of their total
production to the world markets. Corresponding figures for DAGOK
Kustanaiasbest OJSC are 107 th. tons or 98% (including 25 th. tons to Russia).
During the last two years significant increase in construction is observed in
Kazakhstan, which leaves hope for an increase in orders from local
companies engaged in the production of construction materials.
DAGOK Kustanaiasbest OJSC plans to spend $15 mln for the development
of production capacities during 2001-2005. To implement this program
$2.950 mln long-term loan was attracted in October 2000 and $6 mln is
planned to raise through bond issue. Besides, the company intends to use its
own resources for investment programs.
Investment projects means the replacement and modernization of existing
fixed assets of the company, and the expansion of the production. The
management of DAGOK Kustanaiasbest OJSC believes that the extraction,
processing and sales volumes will gradually increase as the forecasted
demand for the company's products increases and its production capacity grows.
Major investment projects of DAGOK Kustanaiasbest OJSC:
- Modernization of press-packaging complex - year 2001, production of
briquettes at 40 kg each in compliance with international standards.
- Purchasing of power saw bench equipment for the production of
euro underpans - 2001, packaging based on international standards.
- Putting into service piling equipment Signoda - 2001-2003; packaging
based on international standards.
- Renewal of cargo loading vehicles - 2002-2005; increase in products
supply capacities.
- Renewal of the equipment of concentration factories - 2002-2005;
replacement and modernization of obsolete equipment.
- Renewal and increase the number of open pit trucks - from 2001;
replacement and modernization of fixed assets, increase in ore extraction.
- Renewal of bulldozers, excavators, and cranes - from 2001;
replacement and modernization of fixed assets, increase in ore extraction.
- Organizing the production and processing of nephrite (KZT19.1 mln)
- 2001; production of nephrite for further processing and sales.
- Switching the boiler and dryer ovens at concentration factories to
gas - 2001-2002; cut the costs of ore concentration processing.