RG Brands LLP (Kazakhstan): brief description of risks
07.02.01 00:00
/IRBIS, Feb 7, 01/ - Following is brief characteristics of RG BRAND LLP
(Almaty) published in connection with bonds of second emission
(KZ72KAT51A39, RGBRb2, $100, $4 mln, Jan.08, 01-Jan.08,03, semiannual
coupon - 13% APR).
The presented information was compiled by analysts of KASE on basis of
documents RG BRANDS and other authorized entities submitted to the
Exchange. They included documents prepared for admission of company's
bonds into listing "A". Results of analysis also presented in conclusion of the
listing commission as Appendix.
Appendix of listing commission - particular aspects of company's activity that
could be interesting for potential investors. The description is a one of the
news-blocks published by IRBIS in connection of second emission of bonds.
IRBIS agency notes that presented information have been largely quoted
from the conclusion of KASE listing commission. IRBIS analysts have made
only editorial corrections.
RG BRAND's production is in high demand among the population. At the
same time, it is highly dependent from income level of population. Demand
significantly lowers when economy stagnates. The management of company
noted that RG BRAND had remarkably increased its safety margin by
lowering costs of production. The company is ready to cut prices if the
economy will experience long-lasting stagnation.
RG BRANDS is clearly dependent from foreign suppliers. Share of import
costs including transportation on concentrated products (Germany) amounts
to 50%, packaging operations include 39% of imports from Sweden. Thus,
the company largely depends on exchange rate fluctuations.
In December 2000 RG BRANDS completed financial statements for 9
months 2000. Amount of accounts receivables reached KZT471.8 mln. The
repayment term is fife years. Among debtors affiliated companies PRG
Bottlers OJSC, Resmi Group LLP, Uni Commerce LLP. From January 21,
2001 RG BRANDS restructured its long-term receivables to short-term. As a
result, debts to the company reached KZT590.2 mln. The company also
informed that major amount of this sum KZT557 mln was redeemed on
Jan.30. 2001. However, this information was not supported by official
The presence of large amount of affiliated debts and other receivables and
payables among parties indicates that cash flows of the company might be
distributed among other daughter parties of Resmi Group LLP. Thus, one
should mark the possibility of cash outflows from RG BRANDS in case of
unstable developments in the activity of the Resmi Group. This could also
affect the company's ability to service its debt on bonds.
Funds raised from emission of bonds will finance working capital of the
company. Thus, timely execution of debt commitments would depend on
commercial expansion on the market. On the first stage of borrowing
program the company might experience developing decease. This situation
happens when a company has to lower profitability penetrating markets and
expanding productions. Nevertheless, related losses will be probably
compensated by interest rate differences between bank loans and bonds
issue. At the same time, the company would have to find new financial
sources or to cut production after redemption of bonds.
On Jan.27, 2001 the Directorate of NSC ratified amendments (resolution
#765) to the Securities Listing Regulation that were approved on the meeting
of KASE members of categories "K", "P", "H" on Nov.08, 2000. New wording
of the regulation included restriction for partnerships on inclusion of their
securities into category "A". As the modification is to be enacted on Apr.01,
2001 RG BRANDS LLP accepts the risk of grade lowering.