STATISTICS: Weekly volume of transactions in securities at KASE - $642.9 th

08.09.00 00:00
/IRBIS, Sep 08, 00/ - During the thirty seventh calendar week (Sep 01 - Sep 08) eleven deals for a total of $642.9 th. were made in securities trade sector of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE). The volume is 4 times higher than that of a pervious week (5 deals for $173.1 th.). In terms of securities the volume grew up 3 times (to 61,976 from 22,763 on a previous week). During the week deals were made in 6 instruments, the most liquid were: - ordinary shares of Bank TuranAlem OJSC (BTAS, official list of KASE securities, category "A") - 77.9% of the total market turnover; - preferred shares of Kazakhtelecom (KZTKp, official list of KASE securities, category "A") - 10.5% of the total market turnover; Volume of deals in other securities was insignificant. Five out of 11 deals were direct, i.e. conducted in the KASE quotations system excluding automatic satisfaction of bids in counter auction mode. The rest 6 deals concluded using counter auction method (main trade method at KASE). The share of market deals in weekly market turnover totalled 82.2%.