Complete results of MEOKAM-24 #15 placement

08.08.00 00:00
/IRBIS, Aug. 8, 00/ - Today the Ministry of Finance and the National Bank of Kazakhstan held 15th auction for MEOKAM-24 floatation (728 days). Announced volume of the issue is determined by the issuer at KZT250 mln. Size of satisfaction of noncompetitive applications is 50% of specified amount. Following is the complete offering data and comparison with previous similar auction: Type of the securities МЕОКАМ-24 MEOKAM-24 NSIN KZ52L0808A25 KZ52L0108A22 KASE trade code MOM024.015 MOM024.014 IRBIS registration number 15/24 14/24 Par value, KZT 1,000.00 1,000.00 Issuance date Aug 08, 2000 Aug 01, 2000 Payment day (till 11:00AM Almaty time) Aug 10, 2000 Aug 03, 2000 Circulation start date Aug 10, 2000 Aug 03, 2000 Maturity date Aug 08, 2002 Aug 01, 2002 Days in circulation 728 728 Coupon payments dates Feb 08, 2001 Feb 01, 2001 Aug 09, 2001 Aug 02, 2001 Feb 07, 2002 Jan 31, 2002 Aug 08, 2002 Aug 01, 2002 Number of primary dealers 8 (+ 2) Demand, mln KZT 647.0 (+ 566.2) Max. fixed yield on demand, % APR 60.00 ( 0) Planned volume, mln KZT 250.0 ( 0) Actual volume, mln KZT 530.0 (+ 471.2) Set up fixed yield, % APR 16.30 ( 0) According to the Ministry of finance the non-residents made no applications. There are no changes in the sector. Demand increased most probable was caused by participation one of the big domestic investors which supported MEOKAM art the primary placement. Probably, it did not participate at the previous auction.