In July volume of deals in Government Securities increased to KZT44,084.4 MLN up from KZT35,106.5 mln

03.08.00 00:00
/IRBIS, Aug. 3, 00/ - In July of year 2000 751 deals for a total of KZT44,084.4 mln were made in all sectors of the government securities (GS) market of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange. In June total volume of 713 deals totalled KZT35,106.5 mln. The sector of primary floatation. Auction for Atyrau region municipal bonds of the first emission (KZ7041007A10, KASE trade code- ARU012.001) was conducted in the sector. Participants concluded 11 deals for KZT650.0 mln. Purchase and sale sector (secondary market). Total of 280 deals were made on the sum of KZT8,282.1 mln. In comparison to the previous month the sectorТs turnover fell by 27.4%. Statistical indicators and turnover structure are given in the table (in parentheses - comparable figures of previous month). Yield to maturity for the buyer, % APR. Days ---------------------------------- Volume, mln KZT Number till maturity min max last WA at discount of deals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discounted GS: MEKKAM-3, 6, 12, notes 54.6% (15.8)% of the sectorТs turnover ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- less than 8 6.07 9.00 6.50 7.07 (8.34) 149.4 15 8 - 14 7.75 10.03 8.09 8.40 (9.87) 252.8 13 15 - 28 3.91 30.60 9.50 12.60 (10.59) 700.7 33 29 - 36 4.03 26.78 4.03 11.86 (10.80) 205.8 6 37 - 42 10.26 21.97 12.29 14.60 (11.50) 111.0 8 43 - 56 3.96 11.47 3.96 4.86 (11.20) 1,402.0 12 57 - 63 9.86 13.71 9.86 13.67 (13.66) 79.1 2 64 - 91 10.13 15.77 10.13 11.57 (12.99) 269.9 8 92 - 181 4.00 15.15 15.15 9.51 (13.21) 852.1 20 182 - 364 12.65 14.14 12.83 13.86 (14.37) 502.8 19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,525.6 (1,802.7) 136 (90) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discounted indexed GS: MEKAVM-6, 9, 12, ALU 8.5% (46.2)% of sectorТs turnover ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15-28 5.15 5.17 5.17 5.16 (8.86) 15.4 4 57-63 8.04 8.04 8.04 8.04 ( -) 9.4 2 64-91 7.05 9.72 8.00 8.33 ( -) 129.2 8 92-181 4.00 9.78 4.00 6.96 (8.75) 425.1 20 182-364 8.49 9.79 9.00 9.14 (9.44) 123.1 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 702.2 (5,265.2) 40 (69) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coupon GS: MEOKAM-24 0.7% (1.0)% of sectorТs turnover ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 706-717 17.01 17.02 17.02 17.01 (17.01) 60.3 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 60.3 (110.2) 4 ( 5) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Euronotes of Kazakhstan, USD 36.2% (37.1)% of sectorТs turnover ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *784-807 9.44 9.92 9.73 9.59 (9.81) 713.8 38 **1518-1545 9.73 11.10 9.73 10.53 (10.69) 1730.7 45 ***2443-2446 9.89 10.56 9.89 10.20 (10.72) 549.5 17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,994.0 (4,229.7) 100 (99) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBTOTAL 8,282.1 (11,407.6) 280 (263) Notes: For euronotes (* - second issue, ** third issue, *** - fourth issue) volumes were calculated at weighted average USD/KZT rate of the Exchange. Volumes of indexed domestic GS were calculated at official USD/KZT rate. In repo sector of KASE 460 deals were registered for a total of KZT35,152.3 mln in July. Corresponding figure for the previous month - 450 deals for KZT23,698.8 mln. The share of the ExchangeТs turnover in total volume of the deals made on the Kazakhstan GS secondary market based on comparable operations (including euronotes and repo deals) equalled 77.6% in July (in June - 64.2%). Below is a table presenting monthly volumes of deals with GS at KASE in year 2000 (mln US dollars). -------------------------------------------------- Sector of the GS exchange market ----------------------------- Month Primary Secondary Repo Total -------------------------------------------------- January 7,295.9 2,133.0 9,428.9 February 13,832.7 2,854.5 16,687.2 March 10,389.4 10,448.1 20,837.4 April 7,740.1 17067.0 24,807.1 May 13,0024 15,928.1 28,930.5 June 11,407.8 23,592.0 34,999.7 July 650.0 8,282.1 35,152.3 44,084.4 -------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 650.0 71,950.3 107,175.0 179,775.3 -------------------------------------------------- In 1999 the volume of GS operations at KASE was equal to $161,460.7 th.