U.S. dollar market of Kazakhstan: day results

01.08.00 00:00
/IRBIS, Aug. 01, 00/ - Following is the table of major indicators of Kazakhstan market for U.S. dollar (more than 98% of countryТs all currency market). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- US dollar trades at the Kazakhstan stock exchange (KASE) ------------------------ --------------- ------------- ----------- ----------- Instrument USD TOD USD TOD USD TOM USD SPOT Session Main Additional. Evening Evening Time of trades (ALM) 10:15-11:00 11:30-15:30 14:00-18:00 14:00-18:00 Weighted average rate 142.66 (-0.05) Not indicated - - Volume of session (mln) 6.210 (+1.845) 0.100 0 0 Bid 142.66 142.63 - - Offer 142.67 142.65 - - Number of participants 13 6 0 0 ------------------------ --------------- ------------- ----------- ----------- Indicative US dollar quotations in the interbank market in the information system REUTERS at KASE sessions closing (disregarding settlement dates) ------------------------ --------------- ------------- ----------- ----------- Bid 142.62 142.61 142.54 Offer 142.65 142.64 142.59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: Best bid and offer prices at closing of the trades are shown as the Exchange quotations. By indicative interbank quotations of the US dollar in REUTERS information system, tenge gained 7 points both on demand and supply of the American currency in comparison with previous day closing. As yesterday, the market was influenced by dollar supply from few banks executing orders of their clients. No active measures of banks were noticed at the sector. The marketТs mood was mainly set up on the morning session, when considerable volumes of dollar sales mainly conducted by two traders indicated about strengthening potential of tenge. This impulse was accepted on the market. At additional session USD was fixed at 142.64. After the closing, judging from the off-exchange quotations, tenge was clearly gaining points. On the eve of two auctions on note floatation and payments for MEKKAM-6 and MEOKAM banks do not want to extend their open forex positions. Dollar demand is limited and only affected by client's orders. The insufficient redemption of government bonds (KZT - 1,555.8 mln) on the current week makes market to work in the same direction. According to the IRBIS experts, Wednesday morning session will not probably change the situation. Tenge will continue to gain points. At that, the rate of tenge growth could be higher tomorrow.