Results of OJSC "Bank TuranAlem" (Kazakhstan) in I quarter of 2000
19.07.00 00:00
/KASE, July 19, 00/ - OJSC "Bank TuranAlem" (Almaty, official list of
securities, category "A") in accordance with the listing requirements provided
Kazakhstan stock exchange (KASE) with its financial statements for the I
quarter of 2000: balance sheet, income and cash flow statements.
Following are the results of the issuer in the I quarter of 2000 (in th. KZT):
As of As of
Indicator Apr.1,99 Apr.1,00 Change, %
------------------------------- ----------- ----------- ---------
Authorized capital (announced) 8,870,230 12,870,230 +45.1
Authorized capital (paid) 8,870,230 10,013,750 +12.9
Shareholders' equity 4,622,727 6,289,621 +36.1
Total assets 20,731,622 51,071,014 +146.3
Liquid assets 4,214,226 12,310,973 +192.1
Loans and deposits 14,727,648 38,584,742 +162.0
Loans granted 13,127,641 31,854,388 +142.7
Operating income 1,326,499 3,527,259 165.9
Total expenses 1,067,302 3,121,710 +192.5
Net income 259,197 405,549 +56.5
------------------------------- ----------- ----------- ---------
Compared to similar period of 1999 growth took place in:
- shareholders' equity - by KZT1,666.9 mln, or 36.1% (as a result of
offering the 5th issue of bank shares - by KZT1,143.5 mln; increase in
undistributed income - by KZT496.9 mln; excess of offering price of the
shares over their face values - by KZT26.5 mln);
- assets - by KZT30,339.4 mln, or 146.3%;
- liabilities - by KZT28,672.5 mln, or 178.0%;
- operating income - by KZT2,200.8 mln, or 165.9%;
- expenses - by KZT2,054.4 bln, or 192.5%.
Net income of OJSC "Bank TuranAlem" in I quarter of 2000 equaled
KZT405.5 mln, or by 146.4 mln or 56.5% more than in similar period of 1999.