STATISTICS: Weekly volume of transactions in PIS at KASE - $313.9 th.

22.05.00 00:00
/IRBIS, May 22,00/ - During the twenty first business week of current year (May 15 - 21) 19 deals were made for a total of $313.9 th. in private issue securities (PIS) trade sector of Kazakhstan stock exchange (KASE), which is lower by 16.8% in comparison with the pervious week ($377.2 th.) by 16.8%. During the week the number of deals increased 5.3 times. In terms of securities the volume reached 103,065 shares, whereas in last week it did not exceed 186,111. The deals were made in 8 instruments. Their proportion in weekly turnover of PIS reached: - preferred shares of JSC "Aktobemunaigas" (AMGZp, "Non-listed securities" sector, admittance level 2) - 54.2%; - preferred shares of OJSC "Mangistaumunaigas"(MMGZp, official list of securities, category "B") - 18.5%. - preferred shares of "Kazakhtelecom" (KZTKp, official list of securities, category "A") - 10.7%; - preferred shares of OJSC "Almaty Kus" (ALKSp, official list of securities, category "A") - 10,1%; - preferred shares of OJSC "SHNOS" (SYRGp, official list of securities, category "A") - 4.2%; - preferred shares of OJSC "TNC "Kazchrome" (KZCRp, official list of securities, category "A") - 1.1%; - coupon bonds of OJSC "Komirbank" (KOMBb, official list of securities, category "A") - 0.9%; - common shares of OJSC "Munaiaspap" (MNSP, "Non-listed securities" sector, admittance level 2) - 0.3%; Sixteen deals were direct, i.e. brokers conducted deals in the Quotation system of KASE that excludes automatic satisfaction of bids in counter auction mode. Three deals conducted in counter auction mode.