U.S. dollar market of Kazakhstan: day results

20.04.00 00:00
/IRBIS, Apr.20, 00/ - Following is the table of major indicators of Kazakhstani market for U.S. dollar (more than 98% of country's all currency market). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- US dollar trades at the Kazakhstan stock exchange (KASE) ------------------------ --------------- ------------- ----------- ----------- Instrument USD TOD USD TOD USD TOM USD SPOT Session Main Additional. Evening Evening Time of trades (ALM) 10:15-11:00 11:30-15:30 14:00-18:00 14:00-18:00 Weighted average rate 142,15 (-0,07) Not indicated - - Volume of session (mln) 1,100 (-10,905) 1,670 0 0 Bid 142,16 142,20 142,13 142,15 Offer 142,18 142,21 142,30 - Number of participants 16 17 1 1 ------------------------ --------------- ------------- ----------- ----------- Indicative US dollar quotations in the interbank market in the information system REUTERS at KASE sessions closing (disregarding settlement dates) ------------------------ --------------- ------------- ----------- ----------- Bid 142,12 142,14 142,15 Offer 142,19 142,19 142,22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: Best bid and ask prices at closing of the trades are shown as the Exchange quotations. By indicative interbank quotations of the dollar in REUTERS information system, tenge lost 8 points in comparison with previous day closing on demand and 7 points on supply of the American currency. Today the conjuncture of currency market did not differ much from that of previous days. Professional participants are still more active in additional trades than in the main morning trades. Today was not an exception, though the difference between the volumes of two trades was not too much, as it was before. Dealers say that lately the conjuncture of the market was determined by the orders of the clients. And quite often such orders (to buy and sell the currency) are made in the afternoon, which causes additional trades to be more alive at KASE. Indicative quotations of the dollar on interbank market did not reveal a certain trend by remaining mostly around weighted average price of the main session of the Exchange on demand side of the American currency. Spreads, with that, did not change much during the day. Their values were at 5-7 points. Under current situation, when firming trend of tenge remains for about a week now, it is quite clear that the investors are keenly interested in short term SS denominated in tenge. Of two auctions, held today, the placement of notes of the National Bank was the most successful. The issuer was able to raise the necessary amount while decreasing the yield of its securities relative to previous comparable placement. Relatively small amount of SS repayment in this week (KZT1.370 bln) is more likely to be neutralized completely by the next placements of the issuers of these securities. Considering this fact, no significant dynamics in the exchange rate of the dollar should be expected on Friday. Based on objective market indicators the dollar may gain some points on Friday at KASE.