Complete results of MEKKAM-12 #43

20.04.00 00:00
/IRBIS, Apr.20, 00/ - Today the Ministry of Finance and the National Bank of Kazakhstan held the 43d auction on floatation of MEKKAM-12 (364 days). Announced volume of the issue is determined by the emitter at KZT500 mln. Size of satisfaction of non-competitive applications is 50% of specified amount. Auction has been held with the additional placement carried out during the day. The floatation results and their comparison with previous comparable issue are presented in a table below: Type of the securities MEKKAM-12 MEKKAM-12 NSIN KZ4CL2004A19 KZ4CL1904A12 KASE trade code MKM012.43 MKM012.42 IRBIS registration number 43/12 42/12 Par value, tenge 100.00 100.00 Issuance date 20.04.2000 18.04.2000 Circulation start date 21.04.2000 20.04.2000 Maturity date 20.04.2001 19.04.2001 Days in circulation 364 364 Number of Primary dealers 13 (+ 5) Demand, mln KZT 132.0 (- 1.9) WA yield on demand, % APR 18.48 (- 1.57) Planned volume, mln KZT 500.0 ( 0) Actual volume, mln KZT 30.0 (- 20.9) Cut-off price, % of par value 84.76 ( 0) Weighted average price, % of par value 84.76 ( 0) Maximum yield, % APR 17.98 ( 0) Weighted average yield, % APR 17.98 ( 0) Effective weighted average yield, % APR 17.98 ( 0) This sector still shows a sufficiently stable conjuncture without significant changes. It suggests that emitter has stable "client base" for a placement of this type of securities.