U.S. dollar market of Kazakhstan: day results

12.04.00 00:00
/IRBIS, Apr.12, 00/ - Following is the table of major indicators of Kazakhstani market for U.S. dollar (more than 98% of country's all currency market). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- US dollar trades at the Kazakhstan stock exchange (KASE) ------------------------ --------------- ------------- ----------- ----------- Instrument USD TOD USD TOD USD TOM USD SPOT Session Main Additional. Evening Evening Time of trades (ALM) 10:15-11:00 11:30-15:30 14:00-18:00 14:00-18:00 Volume of session (mln) 10.655 (+4.105) 2.250 0 0 Bid 142.46 142.40 142.37 - Offer 142.47 142.42 - - Number of participants 17 8 3 3 ------------------------ --------------- ------------- ----------- ----------- Indicative US dollar quotations in the interbank market in the information system REUTERS at KASE sessions closing (disregarding settlement dates) ------------------------ --------------- ------------- ----------- ----------- Bid 142.46 142.36 142.41 Offer 142.49 142.43 142.50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: Best bid and ask prices at closing of the trades are shown as the Exchange quotations. By indicative interbank quotations of the dollar in REUTERS information system, tenge loss 3 points in comparison with previous day closing on demand and 4 points on supply of the American currency. The day in the dollar market was very similar to the yesterday. The situation is determined by dollar offering by the banks' clients, which generally exceeded demand. However in second half of day there was change in dollar demand trend. There is an impression, that the offer runs low, and the banks started more actively purchase the American currency. The traders are seeing the changes, and, on the one hand, fulfill the client's sale applications, on the other - extend their currency positions at the expense of the same dollars purchasing (quite often, during the same trade). Such behavior has changed the off-exchange indicative dollar quotations, which by the end of a day have at least exceeded parameters of KASE's main session closing and the Tuesday closing level. On the day session of KASE dollar after dinner also has gravitated to strengthening. By the day results it is possible to expect (approximately the similar probability) some tenge strengthening on KASE on Thursday on the main session as well as the return process. The market is in a shaky balance, and the banks tenge liquidity is very high.