At KASE active demand of BST stimulates further growth in exchange rate of the dollar

10.04.00 00:00
/IRBIS, Apr.10, 00/ - Today the next morning trades in U.S. dollars, Deutsche marks and euros were held at Kazakhstan stock exchange (KASE) with TOD payment terms. 19 banks participated in the trades. Today the trades in U.S. dollars opened at KZT142.50 per unit. Total of 140 deals were made. Weighted average dollar exchange rate equaled to KZT142.71 (+0.31) per unit. Volume of the session - $3.895 mln (-$3.870 mln). Exchange rate fluctuation during the trade - 0.18%. The trades were closed at KZT142.73/75 per dollar. The conjuncture of the market for the dollar did not differ much from that of previous days. Banks are still transferring their free funds into U.S. dollars, though their purchases were not large as they were on last trades of previous week. Despite of this, the number of dealers buying dollars exceed that of the sellers of the American currency, which made the Exchange rate of USD to grow constantly throughout the session. Today supply was more monopolized and came from mainly two banks. But the volume of their sales could not change the situation of the trades, and they were purely used to satisfy the purchasing orders for the dollar. By the results of the trades, it can be said that despite a great number of banks of the second tier asking for the dollars, not all participants were solely buying dollars. High firming pace of the dollar at the trades allowed some banks to work in both directions, selling part of the dollars they just bought, and capitalizing on the exchange rate differences. A certain role was played by an increase in official value by 35 points at once, which is effective till Wednesday. One hour after closing of the morning session on interbank market of Kazakhstan dollar was quoted at KZT142.78/85 per unit. Two hours later - 142.64/72. In the day session of KASE with TOD payment terms at 12:30PM the dollar was quoted at KZT142.67/74 per unit. Deutsche mark, morning session, TOD: no deals. Closing quotations were absent. Euro, morning session, TOD: no deals. Closing quotations were absent.