Complete results of placement of NOTE-28 #385

31.03.00 00:00
/IRBIS, March 30, 00/ - On March 30 the National Bank has conducted the 385th auction for placement of the notes with 100 tenge of nominal value and 28 days of circulation period. Announced volume of issue is determined by the emitter at KZT300 million. Satisfaction size of the incompetitive applications - 60% from established volume. Auction was hold with additional placement, which was made during the day. The complete data and comparison with the previous auction are given below. Type of securities NOTE-28 NOTE-28 NSIN KZ8SK2804A02 KZ8SK0203A03 Trade code at KASE NTK385.028 NTK367.028 IRBIS' registration number 385/N 367/N Nominal value, KZT 100.00 100.00 Date of issue Mar.31, 00 Feb.02, 00 Beginning of circulation Mar.31, 00 Feb.03, 00 Maturity date Apr.28, 00 Mar.02, 00 Time of circulation 28 days 28 days Number of primary dealers 8 (- 2) Demand, million KZT 152.4 (- 1 494.3) Yield on demand weighted av., % p.a. 13.79 (- 0.93) Planed volume, million KZT 300.0 ( 0) Actual volume, million KZT 48.1 (- 637.3) The cutting off price, KZT 99.03 (+ 0.01) The weighted average price, KZT 99.03 (+ 0.01) Maximum yield, % p.a. 12.73 (- 0.13) Weighted average yield., % p.a. 12.73 (- 0.13) Weighted average yield., eff., % p.a. 13.51 (- 0.15) There was no big demand today due to Thursday's MEKAVM-6 Ministry of finance placement. The National Bank, most likely, wanted only to neutralize demand, which one has grown in the dollar market after ending of the OPEC conferency. Judge by Friday's market, it was achived only partially. The devaluation expectations remain high, and the investors are interested in dollar and MEKAVM only. Nevertheless the National Bank once again demonstrates the aiming to drop the notes yield. The fourteenth week of 2000 (March 27 - April 02) the National Bank of Kazakhstan in the primary SS market has completed with following results. At the actual volume of redemption of 1,662.3 million tenges the emitter has attracted on two auctions 206.8 million tenges. The balance of the NBK net - drawing is minus 1,455.5 million tenges.