List of PIS trade codes of KASE

27.03.00 00:00
/IRBIS, March 27, 00/ - Following is the list of trade codes of private issue securities (PIS) that are traded at Kazakhstan stock exchange (KASE): Admission Code Name emitter level ------- ------------------------------------------ --------- ABCB JSC "GRK"ABC-BALKHASH" N-2 ACCP Closed JSC "ACCEP PEJDZH" N-1 AGMT JSC "Atyraugazmontazh" N-2 AKKU JSC "Akku" N-2 ALGT JSC "Alaugaz" (Taldykorgan) N-2 ALGZ JSC "Alaugaz" (Aktobe) N-2 ALKZ JSC "Aluminium Kazakhstan" B AMGZ JSC "Aktobemunajgaz" N-2 ANPZ JSC "ANPZ" N-2 AOGZ JSC "Atyrauoblgaz" N-2 ASEM JSC "Asem" N-2 ASFI JSC "Astana-finans" B ASGZ JSC "Aksajgazservis" N-2 ATNN JSC "Atyrau-Nan" N-2 ATUK JSC "Atyraukolik" N-2 AVP3 JSC "Autobusny park ь 3" N-2 BERI JSC "Bereke" N-2 BORL JSC "BORLY" B BSUL JSC "Bajan-Sulu" B BTAS JSC "Bank TuranAlem" A CCBN JSC "Bank TsentrKredit" A DMSI JSC "Dorozhno-mostovaia building industry" N-2 DS62 JSC "Road-building upravlenie - 62" N-2 EAEC JSC "Euroasiatskaia energy corporation N-2 ETLN JSC "АЗ-Etalon" N-2 GEOT JSC "GEOTEKS" N-1 HSBK JSC "National Bank Kazakhstan" A INDB JSC "Inderbor" N-2 INDG JSC "Indergaz" N-2 KCSK JSC OT KTSSHK N-2 KGEN JSC "Kyrgyzenergo" N-2 KGTK JSC "Kyrgyztelekom" N-2 KKGB JSC "KAZKOMMERTSBANK" A KKSH JSC "Kazahstankaspijshel'f" N-2 KMRZ JSC "Margarinovyj zavod" (Karaganda) N-2 KOMB JSC "Komirbank" N-2 KSGZ JSC "Kul'sarygaz" N-2 KSUT JSC "Karatau-Sut" N-2 KZCR JSC "TNK" KAZHROM" B KZLK JSC "Kazahlakritsa" N-2 KZMS JSC "CorporationKazahmys" B KZTK "KAZAHTELEKOM" A MMGZ JSC "Mangistaumunajgaz" B NFBN JSC "Neftebank" B NFCH JSC "Neftehimbank" B NZ_ATAI JSC "Atyrauaeroporty" NZ NZ_ENTP JSC "Energoteploizoljatsija" NZ NZ_SHPT JSC "SHubarkol'skoe loader-transport upravlenie" NZ NZ_SHUR JSC "SHubarkol'sky razrez" NZ ORJD JSC "Oral ZHoldary" N-2 RAHT JSC "Rahat" N-2 RGBR LTD "RG BRANDS" N-1 SIRM JSC "Sajram" N-2 SSGP JSC "SSGPO" N-2 SU10 JSC "SMU-10" N-2 SULT JSC "Sultan" N-2 SYRG JSC "SHNOS" A TEBN JSC "Temirbank" A TKGZ JSC "Taskalagazifikatsija" N-2 TMRT JSC "Temrat" N-2 TNJK JSC "Tenizzholkurylysy" N-2 TRAG JSC "Transagentstvo" N-2 ULBA JSC "Ulba metallurgical zavod" N-2 UMGZ JSC "Uzen'munajgaz" N-2 URDS JSC "Ural'skdorstroj" N-2 URPP JSC "Ural-Poliplast" B URST JSC "Ural industrial association building materials" N-2 UTMK JSC "UKTMK" A VKDS JSC "Vostokdorstroj" N-2 VOCH JSC "Voshod" N-2 VVIB JSC "YOUR CHOICE" N-1 ZHEN JSC "ZHyluenergija" N-2 ------- ------------------------------------------ --------- The trade codes of common registered stocks are specified only. Other tools of these emitters are coded by supplement to the main code of the small letter, which means: - р - preferred registered stock; - b - bond; - e - eurobond. The specification of the admission level: - А - official list, "A" category (Listing "A"); - В - official list, "B" category (Listing 'B"); - N-1 - sector Non-listing Securities, first level of admission; - N-2 - sector Non-listing Securities, second level of admission; - NZ - state blocks of shares, traded in the sector Non-listing Securities.