Kcell drawn to administrative responsibility
15.08.14 13:55
/KASE, August 15, 14/ – Kcell JSC (Almaty, hereinafter – the Company), whose
shares are officially listed on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), has provided
KASE with the following information statement of August 14, 2014:
Kcell Joint Stock Company (LSE, KASE: KCEL), brings this information to the
attention of its shareholders and investors pursuant to paragraph 1.9 of Article
79 of the Law On Joint Stock Companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan: by
order of Almaty City Specialized Interdistrict Administrative Court #3-17726/14
of 03 July 2014 in the Always Available case, Kcell JSC was brought to
administrative responsibility under Article 147, part 3 of the Code of
Administrative Offences of the Republic of Kazakhstan resulting in a fine of
41 781 928 (forty one million seven hundred eighty one thousand nine hundred
twenty eight) tenge.
Investor Relations
Irina Sholl
tel. +7 727 2582755, ext. 1205
Natalya Eskova
tel. +7 727 2582755, ext. 1902
International media
College Hill
tel. +44 207 457 2020
Leonid Fink, Toni Friend,
Kay Larsen
Tel. +44 207 457 2020