Complete results of notes-42 #379 offering

15.03.00 00:00
/IRBIS, March 15, 00/ - On March 15 the National Bank held the 379th auction for offering notes with KZT100 par value. Circulation term is 42 days. The emitter at KZT300 mln determines announced volume of the issue. Size of satisfaction of noncompetitive applications is 60% of specified amount. The auction was held with additional placement, which was carried out the same day. Following is the complete offering data and comparison with previous similar issue: Type of the securities Notes-42 Notes-42 NSIN KZ96K2704A09 KZ96K2004A06 KASE trade code NTK379.042 NTK375.042 IRBIS registration number 379/N 375/N Par value, tenge 100.00 100.00 Issuance date March 15,2000 March 7,2000 Circulation start date March 16,2000 March 9,2000 Maturity date Apr.27,2000 Apr.20,2000 Days in circulation 42 42 Number of Primary dealers 11 (+ 3) Demand, mln KZT 498.5 (- 14.6) WA yield on demand, % APR 13.56 (+ 0.09) Planned volume, mln KZT 300.0 ( 0) Actual volume, mln KZT 246.5 (- 28.5) Cut-off price, % of par value 98.53 (+ 0.01) Weighted average price, % of par value 98.53 (+ 0.01) Maximum yield, % APR 12.93 (- 0.09) Weighted average yield, % APR 12.93 (- 0.09) Effective weighted average yield, % APR 13.69 (- 0.10) Situation in this sector of the market does not change essentially. There is no big demand from the banks, as their short-term liquidity does not restored complitely. And there will be one more placement, on which the emitter hopes to receive the money, which will be recived by the operators in the end of the week through the securities redemption. Therefore auction has demonstrated approximate equality of supply and demand at constant emitter' and investors' tactics.