/KASE, July 17, 14/ – Kcell JSC (Almaty), whose bonds are officially listed on
Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), has provided KASE with the following
press-release of July 17, 2014:
Kcell Joint Stock Company (“Kcell” or the "Company") (LSE, KASE: KCEL), the
leading provider of mobile telecommunications services in Kazakhstan by market
share in terms of revenue and subscribers, announces its interim results
for January – June 2014.
Second quarter
- Revenue increased by 3.8 percent to KZT 48,035 million (46,271).
- EBITDA, excluding non-recurring items, rose by 8.0 percent to KZT 27,536
million (25,508). EBITDA margin increased to 57.3 percent (55.1).
- Operating income, excluding non-recurring items, grew by 7.5 percent to KZT
21,238 million (19,748).
- Net finance cost decreased to KZT 219 million (537).
- Net income 6.2 percent higher at KZT 16,512 million (15,551).
- Free cash flow decreased to KZT 16,213 million (26,581).
- Net addition during the quarter is 154,000 subscriptions. The number of
subscriptions decreased by 608,000 during the quarter, due to clean-up of
762,000 subscriptions, no effect on market share.
The full press-release is available on KASE website at:
http://www.kase.kz/files/emitters/KCEL/kcel_reliz_170714.pdf – in Russian;
http://www.kase.kz/files/emitters/KCEL/kcel_reliz_170714_en.pdf – in English.