Kazakhstan has increased in January oil and condensate production by by 19.7 % to 2.7 million tons

21.02.00 00:00
/IRBIS, Feb.21, 00/ - According to PRIME TASS, which cites a source in the Ministry of power, industry and trade of Kazakhstan, in January 2000 petroleum enterprises of Kazakhstan have extracted 2,714,144 tons of oil and condensate, that makes 104.7% to the scheduled parameters or 119.7% to the level of January 1999. The enterprises of the National oil and gas company Kazahoil have extracted in January 461,275 tons of petroleum that is 106.1% to the plan and by 9.6% more than it has been in January 1999. Joint ventures with participation the National Oil Company Kazahoil participation have extracted 845,71 tons of petroleum, that is 98.7% to the plan, including: TengizChevrOil - 781,843 tons /99,6%/. In comparison with January 1999 these parameters have decreased by 1.1% and 3% accordingly. Other gas and oil producing enterprises of Kazakhstan in January 2000 have extracted 1,407,159 tons petroleum, or 108.2% to the plan. It is by 42% more than it has been in January 1999.