Stock exchange market of Kyrgyzstan as of February 10, 2000 and its comparison with KASE

16.02.00 00:00
/IRBIS, Feb.16, 00/ - According to the press-release of Kyrgyz Stock Exchange (KSE), from February 4 through 10 at KSE 243 deals were made in 157,769 shares for a total of 3,500,917.24 soms ($74.9 th. at official rate of Feb.10, 00 - comm. IRBIS). Total of 73 emitters went through the listing procedure of Kyrgyz Stock Exchange, of which 63 were allowed to participate in the trades. Instruments of 52 companies are actively traded on trade floors. KSE declared ten companies "risky" during the period. Volumes of the deals in shares of these companies are estimated at 679,403.43 soms ($14.5 th.). It is interesting to note on February 9 the number of deals at KSE exceeded 10,000. For a comparison, the data on Kazakhstan stock exchange (KASE), where 731 deals were made from the time when trades started (Sep.19,97) in private issue securities through today, can be presented. At the same time, volumes of the deals made at KASE from February 4 through 10 reached $92.3 th., and in January of year 2000 that figure for PIS reached $21,410.1 th. At Kyrgyz Stock Exchange the most liquid instruments of the year 2000 were the shares of JSC "Kyrgyzenergo", JSC "Kyrgyztelecom" and IF "Chuiinvest". As it was previously informed, from November 15 of 1999 common inscribed shares of three Kyrgyz companies - JSC "Kyrgyzenergo" (trade code KGEN), JSC "Kyrgyztelecom" (trade code KGTK) and JSC "Kantskii Tsementno-Shifernyi kombinat" (trade code KCSK) - can be traded at KASE in "Non-listing securities" sector with the second level of admittance. From February 4 through 10 at KSE shares of these companies were quoted in the following price intervals (maximum, minimum and last prices are given, expressed in U.S. dollars at official rate of the National Bank of Kyrgyzstan on February 10, 2000): - JSC "Kyrgyzenergo" - $0.3083 / $0.0004 / $0.0462; - JSC "Kyrgyztelecom" - $0.4918 / $0.0641 / $0.1426; - JSC "Kantskii Tsementno-Shifernyi kombinat" - there is no information in KSE press-release, since the shares of this company are traded on non-listing floor of the Exchange. At KASE no deals were made in shares of these companies during the same period, and there were no quotations either. The last time shares of JSC "Kyrgyzenergo" were offered at KASE on January 17, 00 at $0.20 per share with an absolute absence of the demand, shares of JSC "Kyrgyztelecom" - on January 7, 00 at $0.18 with no demand either, and shares of JSC "Kantskii Tsementno-Shifernyi kombinat" were at $0.40 per share on January 28, 00. Bilateral quotations (bid/ask) existed at KASE for Kyrgyz companies only for KGTK from November 19, 99 trough December 7, 99 at $0.16/$0.17 best spread.