The government of Kazakhstan has forbidden since February 1 import of the goods, not labeled in Kazakh and Russian

26.01.00 00:00
/IRBIS, Jan.26, 00/ - According to PRIME TASS, the Government of Kazakhstan has forbidden since February 1, 2000 import of the goods without the accompanying information in Kazakh and Russian. As PRIME TASS has been informed on Wednesday in the Ministry of Power, Industry and Trade, the Governmental has established the list of the goods, which should be labeled. Among them: meat and bird, dairy production, articles of animal origin, tinned, dried and fresh vegetables, flour-grinding production, sugar, alcoholic and another drinks, tobacco, clothes, household appliances, toys and number of other goods. The introduction of prohibitive measures, as it was emphasized by the ministry's representative, is the "next step to protect a home market, it corresponds to the western countries practice and does not contradict the CIS agreements". As he said, using of the goods without the explanatory information in Kazakh and Russian "quite often results in sad consequences for health".