Complete results of notes-21 #364 placement

21.01.00 00:00
/IRBIS, Jan.21, 00/ - On January 20 the National Bank of Kazakhstan held the 364th auction for offering notes with 100 tenge par value. Circulation term - 21days. Announced volume of the issue - 500 mln tenge. Size of satisfaction of noncompetitive applications is 60% of specified amount. The auction was held with additional placement, carried out during the day. Following is the complete offering data. The last time note-21 were placed Aug.18, 99, so, there is no comparison. Type of the securities Notes-21 NSIN KZ8LK1102A00 KASE trade code NTK364.021 IRBIS registration number 364/N Par value, tenge 100.00 Issuance date Jan.20,00 Circulation start date Jan.21,00 Maturity date Feb.11,00 Days in circulation 21 days Demand, mln tenge 1,795.2 Weighted av. yield on demand, % APR 13.45 Planed volume, mln tenge 500.0 Actual volume, mln tenge 1 549.2 Cut-off price, tenge 99.25 Weighted average price, tenge 99.25 Maximum yield, % APR 13.10 Weighted average yield, % APR 13.10 Effective weighted av. yield, % APR 13.94 On all visibility, at the placement the emitter triad to attract the free means on the banks of the second tier in the eve of the next redemption. It could neutralize a dollar demand in the sector of the currency circulation. And the National Bank did not place more than it was necessary for it. Today's demand allowed to attract more, but at the lower yield. Obviously on the following auctions emitter will undertake utmost for the further reduction of the debt service cost, as the situation in the currency sector has been normalized completely.