/KASE, March 26, 14/ – From March 26, 2014, Kazakhstan Stock Exchange
(hereinafter – KASE) Committee on Indices and Securities Valuation by its
decision of March 20, 2014 defined new restrictive and adjustment coefficients
for shares, included in the representative list of KASE Index.
In the period from February 27 to March 20, 2014 the weight of shares of
KAZAKHMYS PLС (London) (NIN – GB00B0HZPV38, trade code – GB_KZMS) in the
combined market value of shares of all titles quoted in the representative list
of KASE Index, exceeded 0.2. According to the Methodology of stock market
indicators calculation, namely, due to an increase in the portion of these
shares in the influence on KASE Index to 22.2 % as of March 20, 2014 the values
of restrictive and adjustment coefficients for purposes of comparability of
values for KASE Index calculation were changed.
The table below features new restrictive coefficients and those effective before
March 26.
As of March 26, 2014
------- ---------------------
Restrictive Weight Restrictive Weight
Issuer Ticker coefficient in index coefficient in index
----------------------- ------- ------------ -------- ----------- --------
Bank CenterCredit CCBN 1.0000000 3.9 1.0000000 3.6
KAZAKHMYS PLC GB_KZMS 0.1121510 15.0 0.1734025 22.6
Halyk Savings Bank of 15.0 0.1734025 22.6
Kazakhstan HSBK 0.2197682
Kcell KCEL 0.1969782 15.0 0.1811894 12.8
Kazkommertsbank KKGB 1.0000000 6.1 1.0000000 5.6
Kazakhtelecom KZTK 0.8884388 15.0 0.8463990 13.2
KazTransOil KZTO 0.5435802 15.0 0.5706011 14.6
KazMunaiGas Exploration 15.0 0.0670748 14.1
Production RDGZ 0.0637283
In addition, by the mentioned Committee on Indices and Securities Valuation
decision from March 26, 2014 at the KASE index calculation shall be used the
new adjustment coefficient (K) value – 2.1182406.
KASE Index – KASE share market index, showing change of prices of shares
listed on the representative list for calculation of the index with account to
capitalization of issuers and number of free floating shares (free float). One
stock may not exceed 15 % weight in the index. KASE Index is calculated within
a trading day as deals in the representing stocks are concluded. In case no
deals, parameters of which are required for calculation of the KASE Index were
made in the stock during a trading day, for purposes of such calculation,
results of the last resultant trading session will be used.
The Methodology of index calculation is regulated by the KASE internal
document "Methodology of Stock Market Indicators Calculation", available on
the KASE website at:
The page on the index is available at:
Ticker shows: issuer code of security trading on KASE (first 4 symbols, –
common share code); share category (if the fifth symbol is "p", preferred
share); share issue order number (if required, the sixth symbol is a digit).
Issuers code: CCBN – Bank CenterCredit; GB_KZMS – KAZAKHMYS PLC; HSBK – Halyk
Savings Bank of Kazakhstan; KCEL – Kcell; KKGB – Kazkommertsbank; KZTK –
Kazakhtelecom; KZTO – KazTransOil; RDGZ – KazMunaiGas Exploration Production.
Restrictive coefficient (Ri) – parameter limiting the weight of influence of one
stock on index value to fifteen percent.