Complete results of placement of NOTE-28 #357

27.12.99 00:00
/IRBIS, Dec.27, 99/ - On December 27 the National Bank has conducted the 357th auction for placement of the notes with 100 tenge of nominal value and 28 days of circulation period. Announced volume of issue is determined by the emitter at KZT300 million. Satisfaction size of the incompetitive applications - 60% from established volume. Auction was hold with additional placement which was made during the day. The complete data and comparison with the previous auction are given below. Type of securities NOTE-28 NOTE-28 NSIN KZ8SK2501A08 KZ8SK1012993 Trade code at KASE NTK356.049 NTK350.028 IRBIS' registration number 357/N 350/N Nominal value, KZT 100.00 100.00 Date of issue Dec.27, 99 Nov.12, 99 Beginning of circulation Dec.28, 99 Nov.12, 99 Maturity date Jan.25, 99 Dec.10, 99 Time of circulation 28 days 28 days Demand, million KZT 2 236.5 (+ 854.9) Yield on demand weighted av., % p.a. 13.40 ( 0) Planed volume, million KZT 300.0 ( 0) Actual volume, million KZT 1 741.6 (+ 460.2) The cutting off price, KZT 98.97 (- 0.02) The weighted average price, KZT 98.99 ( 0) Maximum yield, % p.a. 13.53 (+ 0.13) Weighted average yield., % p.a. 13.26 ( 0) Weighted average yield., eff., % p.a. 14.11 ( 0) Еhe long-awaited "honour" auction has passed in the market. The investors waited for the short tool, which at last was offered by the National Bank. Tactics of the emitter was not changed, and the rate developed on the auction, completely answers to the yield of the synchronous securities in the secondary circulation.