Yield of MEKKAM-6 of 113th issue - 16.52% APR

15.12.99 00:00
/IRBIS, Dec.15, 99/ - On December 14 the 113th auction was held by the Ministry of finance and the National Bank for state treasury bills MEKKAM-6 with 182 day circulation term (#113/6, KZ46L1306A03). Weighted average yield of the debt was settled at 16.52% APR (92.37 tenge for MEKKAM) with the maximum rate of 16.54% APR (92.36 for MEKKAM). With an announced issue volume of 500.0 mln tenge the emitter raised 630.9 mln tenge. demand reched 992.4 mln tenge at weighted average rate of 17.44% APR for all submitted applications. Yield of MEKKAM-6 grew 2 percentage points (16.50% APR) relative to last issue. Complete information and comments will be posted later.