USD/KZT at closing of the day - 138.33/53 (indicators)
03.12.99 00:00
/IRBIS, Dec.03, 99/ - According to REUTERS, at closing of interbank
currency market of Kazakhstan on December 03 tenge quotations towards
US dollar equaled 138.33/53 tenge per dollar.
Compared to the results of the previous day tenge decreased by 28 points
on demand against US dollar and by 41 points on supply.
On main (morning) session weighted average rate of the dollar with TOD
terms equaled 138.18 (+0.10) tenge per dollar and closing quotations of
138.18/19. The evening TOM and SPT trades were unproductive.
The dollar strengthening in the interbank market was obvious today. After
exchange trades closing the interbank dollar price was above than maximum
today's KASE level. The maximum speed of dollar strengthening was
observed by the day closing. The spreads increased by the evening to 20-28
The Almaty's exchanges employees have noted today a very high activity in
the dollar sale and, especially, baying. It could be explained by the wages
receiving and the dollar strengthening.
It is possible that the evening dollar increase in the interbank market is a
consequence of the mentioned above population activity. The exchanges
workers hold dollars on Friday for weekends. This tactics allows them to sell
the currency tomorrow and after tomorrow at the higher rate, using increased
interest and solvency of the citizens. In turn that can cause the demand
increase on KASE on Monday.
The interbank overnight deposits quotations testify to sufficiency of means
on the banks of the second level accounts.
The IRBIS analysts believe, that on the morning session on KASE on
Monday dollar will continue to increase and the rate of this increase can be