Bank CenterCredit (Kazakhstan) is brought to administrative responsibility
23.12.13 17:44
/KASE, December 23, 13/ – Bank CenterCredit (Almaty, hereinafter in the
quotation – the Bank), securities of which are officially listed on Kazakhstan
Stock Exchange (KASE), informed KASE by the official letter:
...notifies on the following sanctions and/or restrictive measures in relation
to the Bank, its employees and affiliates:
# Date of Number of Sanction Authorized Violation
conside administrative type body content
ration act
-- ----------- -------------- -------- ------------------ ----------------------
1. Dec. 10, 13 67-1-1-06/9010 Written Committee for Illegal granting
warning protection of of delay and evening
financial services of repayment schedule
consumers rights with payment of only
of NBK a principal debt;
Untimely provision
of response for appeal;
provision by the Bank
of invalid information
on absence of borrower